Sunday, June 23, 2024

Microgreens and Lettuce / Greens Update

The microgreens I planted in soil are ready to eat today.  I planted broccoli and radish microgreens, but we plan to expand on our options.

I filled a tray I had in storage, but I feel this only provided enough for one meal, so I will be using my sprout jars next, to have more than one meal available.

Other than adding to your sandwiches, you can toss them into salads, smoothies, top your hummus, add to omelets or eggs, or even add to anything that you add lettuce too.  Do you have a favorite way to eat microgreens?

The two types of lettuce are up now.  I will have to thin them out later, as the seeds are small, and as you can see, there is more than one in that container.  I'm not even using the grow lamps right now, as they are getting a good amount of daylight/sunshine.  

We finally got rain last night.  I hope it was enough to keep things alive and well outside.  It's been so hot and crazy dry.  Not to mention the well needs water too.

I planted greens (Collards, Swiss chard, Russian Red Kale) in a waist high raised bed this year, and there are pros and cons so far.  


Not all the seeds sprouted due to the soil not staying wet in this heat.

I have to water every single day, and sometimes two times a day (heat wave).

They may not grow as big as if they were planted directly in the ground.


No rodents can eat them.  

It's easy to water, and no bending down to weed etc.

Microgreens and Lettuce / Greens Update© June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I love Swiss chard. I hope you get some rain.

  2. Russian Red Kale is new to me. Going to look it up...

  3. I've never had swiss chard that I know of. Here is East Texas our problem is having too much rain...If only I could rope it and send your way.

  4. Shug, recently I made a baked swiss chard side dish and it was delicous. I love swiss chard. We finally got rain over the weekend. It was enough to water the gardens adn cool the air.


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