Thursday, April 11, 2024

What's Cooking?


The ladies are back to normal egg production, so I washed some up for scrambled eggs to go with breakfast.  I also tried a new recipe, and I'll try to get that posted tomorrow.  Any radish lovers out there?  Shockingly, the new recipe was delicious.

I decided to make another pumpkin oat breakfast bake (vs. pancakes) this time around, and I have to say, I'm very happy with the pumpkins we grew last year.  I planted a different variety, and the puree is much thicker than the previous pie pumpkins we've planted.

What did I plant?  Winter Luxury Pie Pumpkin, Baker Creek Seeds.

Do you have a favorite pie pumpkin that you plant in your garden?

The crock pot pork chops I recently made us, used up the very last container of homemade cream of mushroom soup we had in the freezer.  I don't use it that often, but it comes in handy, and it's much healthier.

The spring rains are thankfully bringing the herb garden back to life, and just in time.  I am getting to the bottom of my jar of oregano.  I made us a large pan of roasted vegetables, and I used several of my herbs to season it.

A fresh cut pineapple was cut up and packed for this week's lunches.  My husband joked at my $0.88 pumpkin, but I  was not missing out on that deal, and boy am I glad I bought one.  It is very good!  I do not have any of the gadgets to core this either, so it was a bit of work, but for $0.88??  You can't beat that.

Spring herb garden green onions are back, and I have found so many reasons to add them to meals.  I even snipped some in containers, to pack in my husband's lunch, so he can top his breakfast with them (or even his lunch).

What's Cooking?  © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I think you meant $0.88 pineapple? I wish I had found that deal. Aldi had pineapples for $1.49. I bought four and I’m planning to can them in a light syrup. My neighbor freezes hers for smoothies. I’m not a smoothie kind of person. I like to chew my food!

    Do you start your plants from seeds or buy them? We do both. My guy always does tomatoes and peppers and a few others but we will buy a couple jalapeños. They freeze well and I can jalapeño jelly for my sister. She eats it with a spoon. 🙄

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C, yes I bought it for $0.88. It was a digital coupon download for one. I was not disappointed. I do like smoothies in the heat of summer too. We have started seeds and purchased plants, and done a combination of both.

  3. Your own eggs! Good for you! I have added you to my blog roll, I will be back again.

  4. Far Side of Fifty, thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, I have chickens that lay our eggs, and we use them almost daily around here.

  5. The eggs are really pretty. If we lived in an area with room for them I would have a few.
    I have one of those pineapple corer gadgets and though I am normally opposed to one use things, this one is definitely worth the price.

  6. Anne in the kitchen, that is good to know, as I have pondered on getting one. I will have to look around for one soon.


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