Thursday, March 7, 2024

This and That ~ Medjool Dates

The recent days here have been cloudy, cold and dreary.  By cold, I mean cold enough for a winter coat again (and too cold to paint doors).  Brr!  The chickens and I are not exactly happy about it.  I guess I will be taking my vitamin D for a little while longer.

It was confirmed that a tornado touched down in a town within an hour of us, when we had those last thunderstorms. I was actually finishing a book out on the porch when the thunder and lightning arrived.  I finished the book, but high tailed it back inside.

The tornado did damage to the community area there.  It is said, that there was no warning, nor a watch issued, so the people there had no time to prepare.  Very scary.  It happened between two cities where both my Mom and my Dad grew up, and are now buried.

I'll be visiting that area soon, as I gather flowers together to take to the cemeteries this spring.  Spring is a difficult time to go there too, as the weather is so iffy, and I worry about the wind destroying the flowers I leave.

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A tip for those who knit, or are beginners with knitting:

Bind off knitting with a crochet hook!

I cannot believe I did not even think of this myself, after all those years of knitting dishcloths.  The worst part for me, was binding off, and not messing it up.  It was the first item for me to learn to knit as a beginner.

I wish I knew this all of these years I have had trouble keeping tension and binding off my knitting, with knitting needles.

  So much easier!!  Oh my.  What a game changer for me.

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We finally tried Medjool dates for the first time.  I decided that the rotten, dreary, misty and cold days were perfect to get them out and making a sweet treat I have been reading about.

I bought pitted medjool dates.  I opened each one and filled them with organic peanut butter (the stir kind that is made with  only peanuts).  I gently closed them, and dipped them each in melted semi-sweet chocolate (I used Lily's as that is what I had on hand).  

By the way, I picked up a few bags of different Lily baking chips, at a health store, during our last trip to Amish.  I had plans for them this past Christmas holiday, but never got around to using them.

Okay, back to the dates. . .

I dipped them using forks and place them on waxed paper on a lined baking dish.  I put them in the freezer for a few hours to harden, and stored them in an airtight container.

We tried them yesterday, and they are delicious!  I think crunchy peanut butter would be divine also.  They taste as if there is a layer of caramel inside them.  We both agree that these are a very good sweet treat to have on hand.

I also think the dates are a bit large, so you may want to cut them in half for a serving.  I have also seen these being made using a layer method (chocolate spread over waxed paper, topped with all the dates flat, with a layer of peanut butter and another layer of chocolate), and cut into smaller portions.  Either way to you try these, I think you'll like them.  I'm glad I bought the dates to try this. 

Do you have a favorite use for medjool dates?

This and That ~ Medjool Dates ~ Update  © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Date milkshake. We had one at Shield's Date Garden last year and it was surprisingly good.

    Date spice cookies. I have made these and they are delicious.

  2. Anne in the kitchen, those sound so good. I will have to check those out. Thanks.


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