Thursday, March 21, 2024

Smoked Bacon? Oh my! ~ Shopping and Hiking

 We have discovered bulk, smoked bacon.  It is a drive for us, but the packages are packed with 150 slices of smoked bacon.  We do not own a smoker, so this was a nice discovery.  Did you know that smoked bacon loses it's fat when smoked?  It greatly reduces the amount of time to cook it as well.  On a side note, it is even more cost saving to cure, smoke and slice your own bacon with pork, if you have a smoker (so many instructions online for this).

It costs a lot less to buy the bacon this way (bulk), and saves us so much money.  We will be stocking up on this, from now on.  We don't use bacon in every meal, but the savings are wonderful.  

We are finding more and more ways to locate supplies at lower prices, organic herbs and other items when we do take the drive for supplies. 

We are now incorporating the shopping trips with an outdoor hike/walk.  It's something new for us, but we are loving this new idea.  We are expanding our outdoor adventures, getting physical exercise, and enjoying nature.

I'm tickled to also find glass bottles for homemade tinctures, lotions, sprays and whatnot.  No more Mountain Rose Herbs, with their high prices, lack of supplies, and outrageous shipping costs.

Oh by the way, I had a conversation with a lady about Mountain Rose Herbs, and my frustrations.  She said they were recently purchased by someone else.  I don't have the information on that, but it all makes sense.

Having spent my entire life devoted to raising our kids, it is finally nice to get out of the house and enjoy ourselves again.  Are you discovering nature this year?  I'm actually writing a shopping list for long distance supplies, and logging what areas to hike/walk in those areas.  It's truly an inspiration, and something to look forward to, besides just shopping.  Finding cost saving, and/or needed supplies, are just a bonus on these wellness travel trips.

Smoked Bacon?  Oh my! ~ Shopping and Hiking © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Good for you! Both of you! There's just something about being out in nature that is extremely therapeutic. Life can be so discouraging nowadays, with the things that are happening. It's healthy to just set it all aside.

    I love finding good outlets for things we need and use. I didn't know that about Mountain Rose. Too bad, really. So many good little companies get bought out by someone bigger, who doesn't have the heart and soul for it. Prices go up and quality goes down. It's a common pattern in the business world, isn't it?

  2. Leigh, thanks. We are very excited to get more time with nature this year. It is sad about businesses changing hands. Sometimes it's good, and in this case, not so good.

  3. How nice that you are incorporating walks into your errands. When we were first retired we walked at least twice a week and it was nice. Thirteen years later we don't do it as often anymore... but we should!

  4. Debi, we are very much enjoying our walks/hikes. We not only get exercise, we get to talk to each and get one with nature. I am looking into places to walk indoors on bad weather days, as those are days we really do need to stay positive (walking helps boost the mood).


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