Thursday, March 14, 2024

Just the Bits


There is no method to figure out this winter weather madness.

One day it's rain, cold and windy, the next snow and very cold, and the next? We were in the delightful 60's for about 3-4 days.  We actually hit the lower 70's one day. Thunderstorms rolled in next.  

I took advantage of the better weather, and put the laundry on the clothesline.  It gets me outside, I get some extra physical movement, and a lower electricity bill.  A win all around.

I saw my first Robin.  I actually saw several.  The mornings now start much darker, but as the sun rises, the birds are busy singing good morning to the world.  I took that photo through my window, and I do need to wash some more windows ha ha!

I'm enjoying my nettle/oat straw tea infusions.  I serve them iced for us, and yes it tastes earthy, but very healthy at the same time.  The list for benefits of nettle alone is very long, and I am already seeing one benefit - healthier fingernails and hair.  I have been using the XL (come with drawstrings) teabags to fill for tea infusions, and I have to say that I love them.  They were an accidental purchase (meant to buy single use fill and brew type), but have come in handy for these tea infusions.  I love the no mess clean up vs. straining it out of the jar.

Daffodils are making their spring appearance.  I'm hoping the down pours here do not damage the flowers.

....and then there was one.  My husband, against my wishes, took them out to the grill, and broke the salt shaker.   These were antiques, and the replacements will not be.  Whatever they end up as, they will be more practical.  We used to have a set just for the grill, but we could not find them.

March Garden Notes:
-trimmed back the peppermint and spearmint plants (these are in contained pots, so I am hoping for them to spring back to life)
-dropped more egg shells out on one area of the vegetable garden

-yarrow is already growing this spring (also in a flower pot)

-deer tracks are all over the garden(s), which is odd.  We have never seen this many in all the years living here (the husband says we need a dog or two)

-I have seen a few ground hogs here and there

-I have seen a stray cat a few times here lately, and it can hang out if it continues to be good rodent removal

-today's rain is said to continue all day long and night, and will not stop until 10am tomorrow morning.  It will help the herb garden spring alive, and the fall planted garlic, but will flood some of the ground.


  1. We've had two days of glorious spring weather, but the cold and rain and possible snow comes back tomorrow. Love your daffodils... mine won't be up for another month!

  2. I'm going to have to look for some of those drawstring teabags. I've hesitated because I assume they're messy to clean(?) Any tips on that?

  3. Thanks Debi, they are up early, but some years they do bloom in mid March.

  4. Leigh, these are disposable bags. I thought I was ordering the press and brew single use disposable ones, but accidentally ordered the full pot brew bags. In the past I have use the cloth ones that you reuse, and yes they are a pain to clean.


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