Monday, February 5, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

The lack of sunshine was dragging us down, but we finally got a full day of it Sunday.  We didn't have time to go get the hallway flooring over the weekend, but that is okay.  If you have done repairs and renovations, you know it's best to start at the top and work down, and get all of the painting done before the flooring goes in.  We are not done painting.

 Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
We are excited to hear we may reach the high 50's, and possibly 60° later this week.  Perfect weather to paint the door to the garage and possibly side door (interior side of the doors).  They forcasted "freezing fog" for this morning.  I have never heard of that.

Right now I am . . .
Making a 2nd pot of coffee and finishing this post.

Thinking and pondering . . .
I'm thinking about purging another bookshelf, that contains mostly books on grammar, writing, and writing skills.  I had a moment in my life, where I wrote freelance articles, and it was fun.  I have not had the ambition, motivation, nor energy to continue that path, so the books may be purged.

How I am feeling . . .
My fingernails are down to the quick from washing walls and window trim.  I am constantly applying hand cream too.  Otherwise, pretty happy with our repairs and hallway progress.  My elbow is sore from constant work (the one I fell on the ice).

My hair is much softer from using the homemade hair detangler.  It is said it will repair damaged ends, so I hope to have a good update in a month or so.

On the breakfast plate . . .
French toast made with Ezekiel bread, blueberry sausages and scrambled eggs.

On the menu . . .
I have absolutely no idea, ha ha!  I will be working on that later this morning.

On my reading pile . . .
I'm still reading this book, although with all of the painting going on here, I have had zero time to read it.

On the TV this week . . .
YouTube videos on fixing dog scratches on a fiberglass door.  I have just learned about dog scratch protection panels that you can simply stick on your doors to prevent them from causing damage.  I wish I knew about these before the dogs here (over the years) damaged the door.

Movies on Netflix

Looking around the house . . .
Excited to purge more.  I donated all of my display stands (took 3 boxes) to a local thrift store (not a chain thrift).  I'm going to start purging books in my "office" in between repairs/renovations.

I also got rid of a large box of large plastic Easter eggs.  I bought them for an "adult" egg hunt, but year after year, the rain and mud prevented it.  

The new smoke alarm was installed in the hallway, ceiling paint touched up in a few areas, walls were spackled and sanded, and hallway windows primed and painted one coat.  It will take a second coat before we paint the walls.  The wood trim was just so dark in color.  Both drywall patched areas were re-installed and mudded in (and drying).

On the to-do list . . .
-clean veggie/fruit drawers in fridge
-dust living room, Master bath/bedroom
-wash bedding
-sweep and mop Master bath/bedroom

For the week, deep cleaning:
-wash kitchen blinds and windows, wash valances

From the camera . . .
To save money on paint tape, we are using this tool to prime and paint around the window trim edges. It takes longer, but paint tape is not cheap either.  Photo is the beginning of priming the window trim.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses. . .


  1. Phew...on all the work you're doing. I've never used paint tape. I use that trim guide, as well as a small painter's brush to get in close. Like I've said before, when you're done (haha, your list just keeps going on), you can come on down here!

    Have a great week and try to sit a spell just for yourself.

  2. Sending you lots of Florida sunshine! Cheers to home projects and getting thing done.


  3. Mother Em, the tool is a life saver for cost. Ha! I hope to get a book finished this month. Not sure it will happen ha ha!

  4. Velva, we could use some sunshine. It's back to dreary and cloudy today.

  5. We have sunshine today!
    Good luck with your decluttering. I think I am glad I have given myself a year to get it all done. Touching every single thing and deciding whether I want it or not is taking a lot of time, even though I have no attachment to having stuff. Over years and years it has just accumulated and it needs to go.

  6. Anne, you are right, it does take time to decide on what to purge and what to keep. I get a room clean, and my husband is out buying stuff for it. I had to put a halt on that right away, ha ha!

  7. I can never purge books. Give them away is painful. Webhave sunshine too so happy.

  8. With all the purging and work you are doing, your home will be beautiful! Have a great week

  9. Lisa, it is tough to go through the books, but if I have had it on my shelf for over a year, and have read it then it goes on to someone/somewhere. I feel better when I put them in those little free libraries.

  10. Luludou, thanks. We have a lot to do yet on the hallway painting/repairs, but we are getting there.

  11. We've been having lots of sunshine here in MI, and I am loving it. Soaking it all up, as I know we are going to get more cold dreary days once the cold, winter weather is back. Home improvements do take a toll on your hands/body... lotion up, again and again!

  12. Jodi, sunshine sure makes a difference. I was just telling my husband we need to either make homemade lotion or restock some. The cold winter is taking a toll on our skin.


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