Saturday, January 27, 2024

This and That

I resurrected yet another old blog draft ( I think I am down to 80 or less of them now).  By the way, the last trip to Amish, the same store (below), gave out samples of a "health" bottled blend (called Good Health).  My husband took a sample, and he said it tasted just like the Four Thieves Vinegar I make for us.

Enjoy!  Let's talk pineapples.

The last time we ventured out, we re-stocked some supplies, like organic oats, organic steel cut oats, sesame seeds (I use them in homemade granola), and other items.  We cannot buy them here in bulk, so it's a bit of a drive.  We made the most of it.

We brought back a pineapple for $1.99 and it was delicious.  The one store we shop at, has a machine inside that cuts your pineapple for free.  We'll be sure to bring back a few each time we venture out for baking supplies.  I wish our stores around here had one of those machines.  I don't buy pre-cut fruit, due to recalls, and it is a pain to cut one at the house.

You place your whole pineapple in the top of the machine (to the right in the photo), put your pre-priced container in the bottom, press buttons, and poof!  Your pineapple is cored for you for free.

I just has to slice it, and dice it, and then enjoy it. 

The cost to buy a pre-cored pineapple is about $5-6 and if you want it all cut up, it's even higher (almost double that).

Do you own a pine apple corer?  Do you recommend one?  Also, do you have any tips on picking out a fresh whole pineapple?  I made a guess.

This and That © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Sounds like a deal. I started canning pineapple in a light syrup about a year and a half ago. OMG is it good! Far superior to the commercially canned stuff. I figure if I get the pineapple for $2 or less I’m beating the already canned price. Pineapple with cottage cheese is yummy too. As for your question, I cut mine up by hand.

    -Katie C.

  2. Everything in Amish is better by a looooong shot. You get the ride in the country, and if you go on the right day, not alot of tourists. Ever shop at the Ashery?

  3. No hints from me and no pineapple corer here either. My hands ache after peeling and coring the few pineapples I purchase. I would love a machine like that!!!

    God bless.

  4. Katie C, it is so much tastier than store bought canned pineapple. I have never canned pineapple. I guess I never thought to do it. I'll have to look into that. Are instructions online?

  5. Faith, oddly, we have not been to the Ashery. I think we go to the Amish area 3-4, and sometimes 5 times a year, and never went there. It's on the list for the next trip.

  6. Jackie, I can't believe we don't have that machine in any of our stores here. It's a wonderful tool.

  7. I used what my Ball canning book said but I just looked at the nchfp site and they have instructions. I used a light syrup. The sugar preserves the pineapple taste better. I tried water the first time but this is better.

    Have fun, Katie C.

  8. Katie C. Thanks. I found a blog with a smaller batch recipe too (6 pineapples), but would cut that in half for us. I may be trying this.


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