Wednesday, January 24, 2024

This and That


A beautiful sunrise from Monday morning.  The rain moved in, and so did the freezing rain.  Now the fog has rolled in.

I put my big girl bloomers on, and watched YouTube and read a few "how to drywall patch" a hole.  One job done, but two more drywall patches need done (from moving a light switch and moving a ceiling light fixture.   Add this to my "what did I learn new" this year list.

I finished painting one more entire door and two door frames, including trim inside each room and outside.  The door to the garage has been primed.  I'm making progress, but feels like it's taking forever to finish.

I finished the pink/white lap afghan. They will all be donated to a cause, and soon I hope.  

Low-carb egg, ham and cheese breakfast quesadillas.  I used to make my own tortillas (so many varieties), but my husband brought home carb friendly ones from the store.  I am using the ham we were given at Christmas, that we diced up and froze.  I also freeze the cheese, so I have it on hand, with less trips to town.

I have been pretty successful at planning meals based on what is in the freezer/pantry.  I had to laugh the other day, when I cooked meatballs for our dinner.  My husband asked, "these aren't those meatballs from the store are they?"  Ha!  Nope.  I make a big batch, and freeze them for several quick meals.  I make them using oats vs. bread crumbs too.  

Sharing the recipe again:

3 pounds ground chuck (see notes)
2 cups oatmeal 
2 eggs
1 cup chopped onion
13 oz. can evaporated milk (see notes)
2 teaspoons salt
2 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. garlic powder 
1 tsp. black pepper

Mix well.  Shape into balls (I use a large cookie scoop), place on cookie sheet and freeze until firm, package and freeze until needed (or bake).

Bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Notes:  I use half ground beef and half ground pork.  

Lamb could be used if you like lamb.  As for the milk, I used fresh goat's milk when I had dairy goats, so if you have raw milk that works too.  I use all organic ingredients.  

These freeze well, and come in handy all winter long - meatball subs, spaghetti and meatballs, topped with BBQ or Hot pepper mustard sauce, etc.  I have also used 2 lbs. ground beef and mixed with 2 lbs. pork and it still tasted great (getting about 72 meatballs or so).

I sometimes cook them frozen, then toss them in the crockpot with a sauce for 3-4 hours, so I can whip up a quick dinner with a rice blend or quinoa and a vegetable.



  1. I like to make meatballs with half low fat ground beef and half spicy poultry sausage (usually Wegman’s brand). I add seasonings but so does the sausage. Like you, I make at least a double batch and bake them. Half go in the freezer for future meals and subs.

    Good for you learning to patch dry wall! I have a bunch of painting touch up to do too. We had the kitchen and hallway floors refinished this fall. The trim now needs repainting so the quarter round molding (sp?) can be added. I just can’t seem to find the motivation.

    Take care, Katie C.

  2. Katie C, I never thought to add spicy sausage, but I do think pork itself works well. Sounds delicious. Trust me, it takes a huge self talk and push to paint walls/trim right now. I'm getting so burned out with that job.

  3. Love the afghan. I keep saying that someday I am going to learn this art. Good for you....on patching the drywall. Youtube has some really good tutorials for just about everything...Your recipe looks very yummy!

  4. Shug, thank you. Yes, Youtube has some great tutorials to help with about anything.

  5. Sounds like a full day! That drywall patching isn't much fun, but sure does make a difference. Good job.


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