Monday, January 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

Weekend weather was not too bad on Saturday, but boy it turned nasty on Sunday.  Wind, rain, and cold air moved in.  

I can't believe January 2024 is already coming to an end.  Where in the world did this month go?  I know I was/and still am consumed with painting, repairing drywall, and other winter work.

My husband insisted on getting out to put my books in the little free library for me.  It was pouring down rain and snow (sleet).

I spent one morning sorting garden seeds, making a plan, and sent out orders.  Shipping is free with Baker Creek in the USA, but High Mowing is a whopping $11.95 and Territorial is $8.95!  My plan is to save more seeds this season.

I spent one day running errands, and delivered 3 crocheted lap afghans and 3 jar openers to the senior center.  The folks that receive "meals on wheels" are offered a trivia contest, and one person/couple wins each month.  A basket of sorts is donated, and given to the winner(s).  Last year I donated one blanket, and this year I was able to get 3 finished.  It will provide for the trivia winners for 3 months.

I also took two bags of books to the thrift store.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather . . .

High of 37° and low of 31°F, very little possibility of rain (thankful for that after several days of rain).

Right now I am . . .

Writing up this post, brewing more coffee

Thinking and pondering . . .

What color to paint the hallway.

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  More like just can't wait to get this hallway done.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure yet.

On the lunch plate . . .

Smoked pulled pork, baked beans 

On the dinner plate . . .

Chicken, side veggie 

On the menu . . .

-Healthy Casserole with Beef and Lentils

-Sheet pan pork loin, brussel sprouts and apples


-Snack, no bake energy bites

-Breakfast: Einkorn Ricotta Pancakes, Sausage patties, Scrambled eggs

What I am wearing . . .

Still in jammies, running late this morning.

On the reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .

Youtube videos on how to repair/replace larger drywall areas. 

Movies on either Netflix or Amazon.

Looking around the house . . .

Everything is looking good.  Other than I need to wash and clean the kitchen blinds (adding it to the winter project list).

To-do list . . .

-make a breakfast that will last a few days
-sweep and mop floors
-run dishwasher
-clean bathrooms, wash a rug in one

For the week:

-work on the upstairs flooring 
-continue priming/painting in the hallway (doors/windows)
-whittle away at blog drafts:  I apparently had grand intentions on some things that are not going to happen, ha ha!

From the camera . . .

Two ingredient waffle - 2 Tbsp. peanut butter and one egg.  Mix and pour into a mini waffle maker.  Pretty good, but not low in calories or fat.  I just made us one each to try.  These would be good for a camping trip with some hiking involved.

Devotional, prayers, Bible Verses . . . 

Happy Homemaker Monday © Jan 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Beautiful afghans and very generous of you to give to the senior center. Winter list is still going strong here too. Next-week I'm starting the deep cleaning... really want to have most finished before it gets nice out.
    Have a great week

  2. Luludou, thanks, and yes, I want all of the repairs etc and deep cleaning done before it's nice here too.

  3. What gorgeous crochet, and how sweet of you to donate.

    Seems we are both stuck in hallway renovations, I'm ready to see mine done as well.

    Have a blessed week!

  4. Sandra, we started the hallway 2 years ago, and then things happened. I am so ready to see it done by Feb.

    Thanks! The lap afghans are typically made with scrap yarns from other projects, but I am doing a few with other yarn I have now.


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