Wednesday, January 31, 2024

End of January 2024

January is ending way too quickly, and we (I) figured we'd have the brunt of the home repairs done by the end of February.

Did you know that the hardware stores sell smaller pieces of drywall to patch walls with?  About 2 x 2 feet or so?  I didn't measure them, but we have successfully cut out the damaged drywall section(s), and doing the repairs ourselves.  The cost alone for supplies is over the top.  

Over the years the kids all had one or more pets (one had 3 at one time), and the pets ruined two areas of the hallway drywall.  I'm really re-thinking if we'll ever have pets after all these repairs now (just because of the cost and time to repair).

More trim was taken down for cleaning, priming and painting.  We replaced one door hinge on the door that leads into the garage.  I was surprised the cost for the hinge was less than $3.00.  

The hallway ceiling has been painted, and one light fixture removed and a new one installed.  The second fixture is on order.  I absolutely love the new fixture, so we plan to replace one in the master bath with the same one too.  Each has a "night light" feature.  Talk about being giddy with an upgrade.  The actual light is much brighter than our old one.

We will purchase a new smoke detector as well.

It is taking me more than one day to wash down all the walls in the hallway (it's wider and longer and part of it has a taller ceiling).  I have gone through several buckets of hot soapy water.  I'm more mindful about swatting any bug/spider on the wall now, or putting my hands on the door trim to take off my muck boots.

It's going to be all worth it, but time consuming over all.  Everything has to be washed first - doors/trims/walls.  I needed to prime everything other than the walls.  It's not an over night job for anyone.  

We have come to a small halt.  My husband is seeing a doctor about his back.  My elbow needs a break (it's still sore from my fall).  

We do need to eat, and have clean linens and laundry, so I'm catching up on that.  I have library books to pick up, that I have ignored, and one that I have not even looked at yet.  Bathrooms need cleaned, rugs washed, and windows cleaned in the kitchen.

In the process of putting total focus on the hallway renovations/repairs, I am slowing preparing for the master bath repairs/renovations.  I'll need to remove all the old ones from the bathroom cabinets and replace them with new.  Eventually. I eye-spied them while out for other supplies, and picked them up to be ahead of the game.

On the brighter side of all of this work, is that I have organized all of our painting supplies into one tote (and labeled the tote).  Aside from paint cans themselves, our supplies are all in one organized space (as it should be).

I hope your January of 2024 was successful, happy, memorable, and filled with living life (and not just work).


  1. You are waaay busier than I am. If you read “The Home Grown Journal,” that’s where I am. Inactive except for walking.

    I tried an old favorite recipe recently that you might like: Skinny Taste’s Chicken Pesto Bake. I have some of my own pesto frozen as ice cubes so I just defrosted two of those. Tastes very good even with the lousy winter tomatoes since you bake them. I get tomatoes on the vine or compari (sp?) tomatoes .

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C, I do follow her blog. That chicken recipe sound very good. I don't think I have any more pesto in my freezer. I do need to re-stock that this summer too. Thanks for letting me know.

    I'm just trying to get these annoying repairs done before the weather gets nice. Some days it takes a lot of coffee to get stuff done, but they won't get done if I don't "do the stuff" ha ha!

  3. I do not envy your painting tasks. The last time I painted the house I swore would be my last time. We are needing to paint again and this time we are hiring painters, but it is in conjunction with a remodel, so it was part of the total bid.

  4. You are closing in on the end of your projects! It's been long and frustrating at times but it will be so worth it in the end!

  5. Girl you have been busy! You're going to feel so good about it all when it's completed. Try to enjoy the process as much as possible.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  6. Anne in the kitchen, ha! We are both already talking about hiring someone to paint the master bath. We are really not liking the job ha ha!

  7. Debi, we both can't wait for the job to be done and over with.

  8. Mrs. Laura Lane, thanks, we are happy with our progress so far.

  9. You've been busy! The remodeling jobs are always tremendously satisfying when completed. Spring sorting and cleaning always feels good to accomplish too, even if we have to do it again next year!

  10. Oh my! I'm getting tired just reading all you're doing. Enjoying it as well, you are really getting things done! Love all your plans, and am making some of my own too! We're not as busy as y'all are but need to be!
    Y'all take care and don't overdo with your elbow and his things too.

  11. Leigh, it really is coming along nicely. I still need to pick out paint for the walls, but more needs done anyway.

  12. Thanks Dolly, yeah, scrubbing walls can put some strain on my elbow. It is healing, but I had to take a break.


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