Thursday, December 21, 2023

Garlic Fermented Honey

 The problem with winter gatherings with lots of people, are the germs that spread.  I had good intentions of cleaning the house, after the gathering we had here, and I failed.  I love my family, but with them come germs.

By "clean" I mean to disinfect bathrooms, door knobs, and the like.   Not all hands get washed (especially little hands when no one is watching), and I had not gone anywhere other than the library.  My husband said to me, "I don't get it. You haven't been anywhere but the library."  Yep.  Also, he can bring germs home from work (as we have found out back in October).

I caught a bug of some sort, which started with a runny nose, then sore throat and watery eyes etc.  I instinctively took Four Thieves Vinegar, but later remembered I made garlic fermented honey.

I have been sipping hot teas with the garlic honey, and will report back as to if it helped shorten the length of this said bug or not. 

I'm still finding reasons to get outside to get fresh air.  I'm hoping this bug passes quickly.

Random wise words I recently heard:
"Words come from the lips.  Actions come from the heart."
I have no idea if these are famous, or who said them, we heard them in a movie recently.  I had to share.

Garlic Fermented Honey ~ A Family Christmas Tradition © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


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