Friday, December 29, 2023

Angel Cookies ~ A Recipe that I found reading a library book!


Angel Christmas Cookies.  Recipe is online, but I found this recipe in a book I read years ago - Aunt Dimity's Christmas, by Nancy Atherton.  We use the recipe for our traditional cut-out cookies at Christmas, but Christmas has passed, so I made them "winter" themed this year - snowflake cookies.

I'm glad I went searching for the book on my blog, because the link does not work anymore, and the recipe has been changed over the years.  

In the book, the recipe is called "Angel Cookies" because she makes them all angels.  I make all sorts of cut out shapes with the dough.  Very easy to make and you can make it the day before to chill the dough.

The recipe states that if the dough is sticky to chill it, but every year we've made these cookies, we chill the dough.  I take half the dough out, cut the cookies, and take out more chilled dough as we bake them.  You can also chill this dough overnight.

Did you know that if your dough is cold when you cut your cookies out, they are more likely to keep their shape vs. puff out when baked?

Over the years, I have only used the frosting recipe that comes with this cookie recipe.  I noticed the only change in ingredients was the amount of butter in the frosting.

Recipe from the book says:  1/3 cup butter
Recipe online says:  1 cup butter 

All other ingredients are the same.  I used one stick this time, and had enough frosting for 38 of these snowflake cookies.

TIP:   I use parchment paper.  My notes (on my own recipe card) stated that I used air bake baking sheets and did not grease my sheets, but that is not the case.  I have no idea why I wrote that down ha ha!  These cookies will not come off the sheets without greasing them or using parchment paper.  I highly recommend using the parchment paper (original recipe states to lightly grease your baking sheets).

A little "ditty" about the cookie recipe. . .

The cookies were so popular with my kids, that one year a daughter took all of my recipe cards out and copied them.  However, when she filed them, she did not put them in the right place in my recipe box.  I had to go on my blog and find the recipe again for these.  Later I found the recipe card filed in my box under something else.

Another year, our youngest wanted to make this recipe.  She rolled the dough and cut the cookies, but forgot to grease the cookie sheet.  They all stuck to the baking sheet and she cried and cried.  I felt so bad for her that year.

Angel Cookies © Dec 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Today I should be finishing round two of Christmas cookies, though they are really just cookies. Round one was packaged up and sent north to my family in New England. Round two is for tomorrow. We go to Pennsylvania for my guy’s Christmas luncheon with his kids, their families and a few other guests. He hosts this every year so no one has to cook or do the dishes.

    King Arthur flour oatmeal chocolate chip, peanut butter blossoms, snickerdoodles and jam bars. By the time I’m done, I am sooo sugared out just from the aroma.

    Why is it that so few people seem to bake any more? Lack of time?

    - Katie C.

  2. Katie C, I love Snickerdoodles! Yum! Many are not baking this year due to grocery prices, but I had to cut back a bit due to my husband's sugar issues. I do pass the extras out to family. I think some people expect the same person to do all the baking and cooking, and that puts too much pressure on one person (not to mention those dirty dishes). Your selection of goodies looks very good!

  3. These look like great cookies! I only made one batch of sugar cookies this year and I will make some more for Valentine's Day.

  4. Carol, we didn't make too many this year, but I did make these. I am sharing them with the kids.


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