Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Measure Twice

 We know that what you read for measurements at the hardware stores are not actually the real measurement when buying lumber.  We were so consumed in just getting what we needed and getting back home, neither of us realized what he was basing the coop door on.

He bought 10 inch wide boards, and the actual width is smaller.  Always shop with a measuring tape.  We knew this, and like I said, I think the stress of just getting it done was upon our brains.

When they built the door, it came short of what we intended it to be.  Another eye roller moment, and another set back to get it all just right.

Measure and measure twice when buying materials while building something.  

Any who, the door was taken back down to paint, and I spent almost 4 hours painting the coop.  I ran out of paint, but the only areas left to paint are the very top front and back, where I need a partner present to climb our tallest ladder.

I took advantage of our 60°F day, and will continue to this week, as the weather returns to the 40's next week.  

In hindsight, we should have painted the upper pieces before attaching them.  Live and learn.

As you can see we still need to "button" this coop up with a roof.  The run will mostly get built (all depends on the weather) next spring, but we can finagle a fence for the winter.

We are making progress, but there still is a lot to finish (indoor sliding door, outside trim on the entire coop and such).  Once the roof is on, we can work on the inside, get the run door cut, ramp built etc.  

We will recycle perch posts from the old coop, as well as the roosts we installed in there.  We may recycle a roost from the barn, but recycling what we have in any way helps.  I'm just hoping and praying for some good weather days to paint the trim before it's too cold (and get it installed).

Measure Twice © Nov 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. So glad to see you have the chicken coop in progress. I know that was a stresser for you. It looks great! Like you, when we build we recycle anything that we can. With the current cost of building supplies it's the smart thing to do! Have a great week!

  2. Debi, yes, things are very expensive right now, so we are recycling anything we can. And thank you, we definitely were stressing over getting days to work on it.

  3. What fantastic progress on the coop. I know we can all relate to the size discrepancy problem with supplies! It's nice you can recycle quite a bit, Every bit helps.

  4. Leigh, yes, recycling some supplies will be so worth it. We will have to build a new ramp. The current one is falling apart.


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