Saturday, November 18, 2023

Hillbilly Hen House

 The recent days have been in the high 60's and low 70's, up until Friday.  We dipped just a hair, and the rain moved in.  The rain did not stop me from working on the new coop.  I've dubbed it the "Hillbilly" hen house, ha ha!  We've had to do some crazy work in order to make things work with what we have.  Nothing seems to come together straight, nor level, but it's getting done.

I decided to do things a big backwards, but it's a race against the clock with painting trim.  Instead of waiting for a day to measure and cut the trim, then paint it, I just painted what we had.  I can touch up later, but it's painted now, before the weather gets too cold.  The weather is quickly changing here.

I bought my husband that wrist wrap that is on his wrist. It is magnetic and holds the screws for him.  Now he needs a carpenters apron and/or a tool belt.


  1. Progress is always exciting! I can relate about nothing seeming straight or level. That's the story of everything we do around here. :)

  2. Leigh that is true. We use a straight edge to mark lines, but somehow things end up a bit off.

  3. Yup on nothing being straight. Should see things, especially door frames in this house built in 1938!

    That wrist wrap is a cool idea. Where did you find it? My grandson might like tom find in his Christmas stocking.

    Can't wait to see the hen house and know the chickies will be ever so uptown in it!

    Mary in GA

  4. Mother Em, I found the magnetic wristlet on Amazon. I don't know exactly what it's official name is, but look for it on Amazon. It was not expensive, and sure is handy.


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