Monday, November 20, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

 The weather . . .

We went from 60-70's to 50's and rain, and this week we'll barely see 50°F with lows in the 30's.  I was successful at crossing off "wash rugs" and they dried outside before the weather turned.

Right now I am . . .

Posting this blog post and sipping coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Well for starters, I'm searching to see if they sell metal ridge caps that are wider than 10 x 10 inches, and possibly covering the coop with a tarp until we figure things out.

We have another set back with the chicken coop roofing.  He hand built the rafters, and the roofing he cut is too short for the ridge cap by about 2 inches.   Not what we needed with the holidays and such.  Otherwise the ridge cap would have been up last night.  

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  However, I taught my granddaughter how to crochet.  In the amount of time she was here, she learned to chain stitch and by the end of the night, I taught her how to go back the second row using single crochet.  She left with a bag of yarn and a crochet hook, and a happy kiddo.  I  fear though, she will drive her Mom mad with questions now (ha ha!).

On the breakfast plate . . .

Egg, bacon, and cheese breakfast sandwich.

On the lunch plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

On the dinner plate . . .

Leftovers thankfully.

On the menu . . .

-have no idea yet

What I am wearing . . .

PJ's - still sipping coffee and getting this posted.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV this week . . .

Christmas on Mistletoe Farm (Netflix).  I picked this randomly, when I my husband worked overtime, and found it quite fun to watch.  Very quirky, and at one point you'd think of it as a musical.  A father with 5 kids inherits a farm and the animals with it.  The town is very small, and the funny part is there is a woman in the town who crochets/knits for everyone and everything, including kid goats.  Everything in this movie is surrounded by something crocheted in the scene.  Family friendly.

Looking around the house . . .

Update on the home renovations/repairs/improvements:

When we moved in this house, the entire kitchen, and master bath had zero hardware on the cabinets.  I bought plain wood knobs, and hand painted them with acrylic paints to appear like weather paint.  They have lasted 14 years, and still look the same as the day I painted them.  

I've been installing new hardware in the master bath.  I've had it in a box since last year, and we got so far behind, painting in there did not happen (yet).  I decided to install all the new hardware, and will beautify as the weather sees fit.  Now I'm not shuffling the box around to sweep and mop.  

To-do list . . .

-make a breakfast dish
-finish cleaning out the fridge (started it, but didn't finish)
-put trash out, including a lawn chair I keep forgetting about
-work on menu/grocery list for the week
-work on pricing craft show items

From the camera . . .

Marinated cheese.  A first time trying, and why I wanted a basil plant indoors.  You can't buy fresh basil this time of year (atleast here anyway).  Delicious.

Something to share . . .

Nothing to share today, but asking if anyone has a tried and true crock pot, good, macaroni and cheese recipe to share?  Or an oven baked recipe that re-heats nicely.  One that travels well, re-heats well or stays heated in a crock pot.

Devotional, Quote, Prayers . . .
Our friend Jill - her Dad is in a nursing home due to a fall, but now they discovered cancer, and there are health issues with her daughter's pregnancy.


  1. What a nice blog to read.๐Ÿ˜Š

    You conclude with concerns about your friend's father and her daughter's pregnancy. Such things call for love and attention. And prayer. ๐Ÿ™

    Now, about macaroni... Here are the ingredients for a Dutch macaroni meal:

    2 medium-sized onions
    3 cloves of garlic
    4 tablespoons mild olive oil
    300 grams mixed minced meat (beef and pork)
    200 grams carrots
    100 grams celery
    100 milliliters white wine
    2 tablespoons Mutti le verdurine in tube
    1 teaspoon fennel seeds
    ½ teaspoon dried rosemary
    1 mushroom bouillon cube
    800 grams peeled tomatoes in a can
    50 grams Parmesan cheese
    20 grams unsalted butter

    Dice the onion and finely chop the garlic. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Sautรฉ the onion and garlic for 3 minutes. Add the minced meat and cook for 5-7 minutes until browned.

    Meanwhile, peel the carrot and celery, and chop finely. Add them to the meat along with the white wine, and cook for an additional 3 minutes. Mix in the verdurine, fennel seeds, and rosemary, then crumble the bouillon cube over the mixture.

    Transfer the meat mixture to the slow cooker, and add the peeled tomatoes. Cook on the lowest setting for 4 hours until tender. Stir halfway through and press the tomatoes with the back of your spoon to break them down. Grate the Parmesan cheese and stir it in along with the butter just before serving. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with extra cheese.


    O and I love reading that you taught your granddaughter how to crochet. ๐Ÿงถ

    Greetings from Holland!

  2. That Christmas movie looks really cute. I just started watching them last week. There are so many on every channel, it's hard to tell which ones are any good! That marinated cheese sounds amazing! I have a basil plant indoors too and I always forget to use it!

    Have a great week!

  3. The marinated cheese looks sooo good!
    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Hello, Kristina! Sounds like you all are getting the same weather that we and rainy...which I'm thankful for. We need rain so badly! I think Lowe's or Home Depot, either one, has a wider metal ridge cap. I hope you get your chicken house roof finished soon. The marinated cheese looks delicious and it sounds like you have one happy granddaughter! :) Have a great week ahead and a beautiful, blessed, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Arieth V. thanks for the recipe, and yes our granddaughter is having such a good time with learning crochet.

  6. Sherry, I'm hoping I can keep the basil plant alive all winter. I'm terrible at remembering to water the plants.

  7. Rebecca, thanks. I will have to check both stores. I sure hope they make a wider one, or we will have much more work to do on the coop. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  8. Sorry to comment so late this week! Thank you for the book and movie ideas. The marinated cheese looks delicious. Hope you've had a wonderful week.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.