Monday, November 6, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


We were able to get some work done on the new chicken coop over the weekend.   We actually had help on Sunday.  We were so thankful for the help.  The door is built now, but the roof still needs put on it.  

We have had some rather warmer fall days, which were great for outdoor work, other than the mutant ladybugs were out in full force (and they bite). 

I finally got my kitchen sink leak fixed!  The gasket had broken off and fallen down into the drain pipe.  I'm drying out the cupboard (again) and will be using this situation to purge, clean and sort what goes back in the cupboard.  I just have to get it it good and dry, put the mat in, and get everything back into the cupboard.  Until then, I'm sort of tripping over stuff in the kitchen.

Although I am thankful for the work on the coop, it always puts my indoor work behind.  I have a long week ahead of me.  I also realized I don't have a planner nor calendar for 2024, and appointments are already filling in for next year.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The Weather . . .

High of 67°F today, and in the higher 50's the rest of the week.

Right Now I am . . .

Getting ready to post this.

Thinking and Pondering . . .

The time change has us all off schedule.

How I am feeling . . .

Exhausted.  Long weekend.

On the breakfast plate . . .

My husband made us his famous omelets over the weekend.  Home canned peach jam on toast.  I have no idea yet what I will be making yet today.  

On the menu . . .

-perch, homemade fries
-egg roll in a bowl

What I am wearing . . .

Still in jammies.

On the reading pile . . .

Crochet and cookbooks from the library

On my TV . . .

Christmas movies.

Looking around the house . . .

Well, I managed to clear the kitchen table.  I have also started to clean out the last of the boxes that were in the master bath (when the carpet was removed out of the bedroom).  We had tossed stuff into the tub for the duration, and I'm just now working on that mess.   Ha!  

We also had a stack of stuff still sitting on the kitchen floor, when I started to purge the utility room, while unpacking stuff from the living room.  It's been sorted, and containers emptied and put away. The paint cans remain however.  We are not done painting.

To-do list . . .

-dishes (I have a ton of them)
-make a breakfast
-boil eggs
-laundry, good day to use the clothesline
-sweep and mop floors
-pay some bills
-library returns/pick ups (any time this week)
-start cleaning off front porch

From the camera . . .

The meal I cooked for the help we had Sunday.  While the men built the coop door, I prepared the flourless brownies for sundaes, and made the homemade whiskey butterscotch sauce.  They men came in and help prepare the chicken fajitas for dinner.  Lots and lots of dishes.  We were all too tired to wash them.  The link no longer works for the brownie recipe, so I will try and fix that soon.

Something to share . . .

Nothing today.  

Devotional, Prayers . . .

No requests at this time.  One daughter has been told she has a cyst.  Prayers for quick healing.

Happy Homemaker Monday © Nov 2023 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. All your dishes look soooo appetizing! Glad you are catching up with outdoor work before it gets too cold. Have a great week

  2. I am with you on time change. My schedule has been off. Enjoy your cookbooks

  3. What a relief to get some work done on the coop, yes?

    Your husband's omelet looks delicious! But then, everything looks really good.

  4. Lisa, thanks, sometimes reading through cookbooks can get me side tracked lol!

  5. Leigh, we are very happy to get more work done on the coop, but I was really hoping our help would get the roof started. We still need the roof on it. His omelets are the best. Thanks.

  6. Oh, all those food pictures look so delicious! Hope you have a wonderful week.

  7. Thanks Jean. Same to you. Hope your week goes great.

  8. May God heal your daughter completely in Jesus' name!


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