Thursday, August 10, 2023

Tomatoes ~ Clothesline Day ~ Hot Peppers

 One of my extreme clean projects (craft binders) landed on the kitchen table, and it made me realize, I need the table for tomatoes.  Yikes.  

Tomatoes, although we are getting black rot on some, are rolling in, so I have set up a small camping table for the extras, as they are not all turning red at the same time this year. 

The sound of locusts outside, reminded me to wash our bathrobes while I still had good clothesline weather.  Plus, they were on the bathroom door, and I need that door taken down to paint anyway.  Eventually. I didn't get a photo, but that clothesline was full.  I washed all the towels, clothing and anything else to beat the rain.

Speaking of laundry, my washing machine is now acting up.  I am getting codes, and it will stop completely.  We got it running again, but it is 14 years old.  It may be the next appliance to be replaced.  

So, what would eat jalapenos?  I have one plant almost eaten completely down.  Never, ever, have a seen this activity.  I went back out and did a good look-see to check for tomato worms too.  It could have been done by the last horn worm I removed.  I didn't see any other activity out there.

It's not a great year for my hot peppers.  Plants are smaller, peppers are smaller, and I had several rotten hot banana peppers on a few plants.  My cayenne didn't make it. No habanero this year either.  Just a weird year for them I guess.  My husband said someone took jalapenos to work, from their garden, and they too, were not hot.

We got a bit of rain last night, but not enough in my opinion.  It will be another hot day today.


  1. I wonder what is eating your jalapeños!

    One year, a deer ate a half of one never to be seen again. We found the jalapeño with one bite taken on the ground. Thank heavens the jalapeños were in front of the regular peppers! 🤣🤣🤣

    -Katie C.

  2. I wonder what is eating your jalapeños!

    One year, a deer ate a half of one never to be seen again. We found the jalapeño with one bite taken on the ground. Thank heavens the jalapeños were in front of the regular peppers! 🤣🤣🤣

    -Katie C.

  3. It’s raining this morning and I love it.

  4. Katie, it's a plant that is behind a row of hot peppers, so I think it was the work of a horn worm, and I just didn't see it until now. Our hot peppers are not doing so good this year, and they are not as hot as usual.

  5. You can have our rain! We are having too much of it!
    What a nuisance about your washing machine, hope you can get it sorted.

  6. Jill we ended up getting rain, including a tornado watch.


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