Monday, August 14, 2023

New Coop ~ Tidbits


Short post today.  We started building the new coop over the weekend.  However, he bought the wrong size wood, so it's bigger than it should be.  We got two wall frames up, and he changed his mind and will be cutting the walls down for a shorter coop.  This man.  I am happy we are starting to build it, but I thought he had this all planned out too. 

 I didn't get any other pictures, as it was very hot out and we were extremely tired.  We reached out for help, and once again, no help.   Just the shopping, loading and unloading wears us out.  Roofing is heavy too, and so far that job sounds like it will be just him and I, and I am not looking forward to that. I already have bruises, burst blood vessels, and he's sporting bandaids. Biofreeze has been our best friend.

 I'll try and get my camera out there for photos later this week, if we getting any progress done on it. Like I said, we will be going a bit backwards on it for now, before we can go forward.  Today, rain is in the forecast.

Ladders, carrying stuff up and down.....this is not going to be fun.  As of last night, I think we agreed the trusses will be built vs. bought.  They are expensive. 

I had one short break one day on the porch last week.  The butterflies love my tall phlox.  It's back to steaming hot again.  I was way too tired to check on my garden yesterday, and my tomatoes are probably getting ready for some canning.

I'm happy to say, the flower beds (other than the rose bed from h-e-double hockey sticks bed) are all completely weeded.  I managed to get most of the herb garden weeded too.


  1. Yay for getting started on the coop! As far as building anything, it doesn't seem to matter how well it's planned out. It requires at least a dozen trips to the hardware store anyway!

  2. Glad you got a start on the coop... I know you'll be relieved when it is finished. I don't envy you the roof work, especially in the heat of summer. Be careful!


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