Friday, July 28, 2023

Laundry/Dish Day ~ Garden and other tidbits

 It's been pretty "busy" here lately.  So busy, that I baked a Georgia Peach Crumble with the oven off!  Multi-tasking at it's worst ha ha!

I kid you not!  I thawed the last of the peaches in the freezer, and turned the oven on, but forgot to hit the "start" button (which is required for it to actually turn on).  How I didn't notice it when I put it in the oven, is beyond me.  Other than I have been up to my eyeballs in garden work, harvesting, and then when it comes inside, it of course has to be dealt with.

(full of stems, leaves, etc.)

It was another race-against-the-clock sort of day.  Hurry and get the bedding and laundry on the line, so it will be dried and put away, bed made etc. before my husband got home.  Hurry and get the dishes washed, dried and put away, so I can take the blueberries, that were flash freezing, out of the freezer and bagged.  Hurry to process some green beans and freeze, and hurry all of everything to get out to the garden for a look-see (which we all know there will be zucchini and cucumbers).  Oh boy!

In the midst of busyness, I pulled several canning recipe books from my cabinet, and finally found a recipe for sliced dill pickles.  It's on the to-do list.  I also found a recipe for pickled green beans.  It's on the only-if-I-have-a-ton of green beans try it list.

The race was on, so we could pick up more wood for the new coop.  Ha!  We totally got off track with that, and did not bring the wood home either.

Still on the to-do list.  It's held up by the branches themselves.  However, it's towering my lilac, so I have no idea how we'll take care of this without  harming my lilac bush.

Quick question before I forget:

Have you ever made zucchini "chips" in your dehydrator?  Were they good?  What seasoning did you use?  

One thing I am not canning this year - hot pepper mustard sauce.  It has way too much sugar for our diet plan this year.  I'm on board to support my husband, in his goal to get off his diabetic medication.    The recipe is on my blog, and it requires 36 hot banana peppers, and 6 cups of sugar.  Here is the recipe:  Hot Pepper Mustard Sauce.  I am not even sure I planted enough hot peppers this year to make hot banana pepper relish.  I guess we will find out soon enough.

It's going to be another very hot day in the 90's.  Hot and humid.  Rain and thunderstorms are also in the forecast, and today they are forecasting them earlier than predicted.  It's so hot here, they are asking some towns/cities to conserve energy.  


  1. I made cucumber chips once, but they were not to my taste. Never tried zucchini chips.

    God bless.

  2. Jackie, thanks. I may be trying the zucchini chips soon.


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