Saturday, July 29, 2023

Heat Index of 95 degrees ~ Garden Updates ~ What was I thinking?

 The heat arrived in our area.  So hot, that they asked people to "conserve" energy.  Although I have been using our clothesline, the humidity is so bad, my laundry doesn't dry.  I have resorted to drying racks and my small indoor clothesline (in my utility room).

I have a rechargeable fan for my treadmill upstairs, so I keep that charged in case of a power outage (we have one in the camper too), which reminds me I need batteries for the portable radio.

Zucchini is still coming on.  I gave up trying to give it out for free.  No one stops to pick it up.  I just send the extras with my husband when he goes to work.  They are greatly accepted there. In fact, I hear they are fighting over it, ha ha!  I have tried to barter for other produce, but no one wants to do that either.

I continue to experiment with new recipes, but we are not fond of anything baked with almond flour (but still trying recipes).  I I do like any recipes using einkorn flour.  I am still putting some zucchini in the freezer.

Our green bell peppers are finally being harvested.  Red are on too, but not red yet.  So thankful for these.  They smell amazing when sliced.  They are not like the ones you buy at the store either.

Cucumbers are still producing.  Although, I am close to pulling the pickling cucumber plants.

I picked another 5 plus # of green/wax beans.  They are doing great this year.

My "what were you thinking" moment!!!  We were on our way to do errands, and we found out a produce stand changed locations, so we stopped.  She was about to close for the day, and offered a bushel of corn at a low price of $20!  My husband and I got to taste the corn first.  It was okay, but first picking, so they are smaller.  I have no idea what I was thinking, but we came home with that bushel.  I'm hoping the kids will come for a visit, so I can share.

We are both hobbling around with sore backs.  My husband tripped on the water hose a few weeks ago, and fell.  I think mine hurts just form all the bending in the garden, but it's been a bit rough lately. 

I'm sort of feeling like everything here, is happening all at once.


  1. Those bell peppers look great! Ours are so thin walled but I make stuffed bell peppers anyway. Have you seen the "turn zucchini into pineapple" trick? I canned 5 pints but haven't tried the pineapple upside down cake yet. Grands are coming on Monday, so I'll bake a cake for them to try. My guinea pigs, tee hee!
    I emailed you two recipes. Did you get them?
    Hubby pulled up all the carrots this morning, so I'm canning carrots today. It's hot here, too - unusually hot for Tennessee.

  2. M.Meyers, I have not tried that, but I also heard that you can make a mock apple pie with zucchini. I will have to look that up. I will check my email. We have been up to our eyeballs with corn, blueberries, pickles, zucchini etc. lately.


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