Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Spearmint Iced Green Tea ~ Blooms


It was high time to make homemade spearmint iced tea.  I love this stuff!  My Mom hated it, but her Mom (Grandma), used to make it.  Love, love, love it on a hot day.  It's nice to have when I come in from the garden.  Now that my husband is doing all the mowing after work, he too enjoys this delicious tea.  I use organic green tea bags.

My popcorn is not doing that great this year.  I may have planted it too late.  I hope I did not waste garden space with a fail crop.  

Here is what's going on in some of the flower beds.

The two "red" ones are actually two different colors.  The last one is more of a burgundy.  

My lavender is in full bloom too.  I brought some in to enjoy.


  1. How do you make the tea? I planted some mint, not sure what kind, in a pot and it’s growing like crazy. I am definitely a tea drinker not coffee 😋

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie, I boil water in a pot, then remove from heat and add 7 green tea bags and a handful of rinsed spearmint sprigs. Let sit for 3 to 4 minutes, strain, and pour into a gallon pitcher, add water to fill, cool and put in fridge. If you want sugar/sweetener, put that in your pitcher then when you pour heated mixture, it will dissolve first then add more water. I make it by the gallon.

  3. What a collection of lilies you have! So pretty. And lavender. Good idea about the tea! Such a lovely summer drink.

  4. Leigh thank you. We've added some to the garden every year, to help cut back on annuals.


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