Monday, June 19, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weekend went fast.  Thursday night tornados hit northeast of us.  One daughter's family and several friends were in it's path.  All are okay, but there was a lot of damage done.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay a Home Mom.

The weather . . .

Mostly 80's for high's this week, with possible rain this weekend.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's cloudy.

Right now I am . . .

Drinking coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Canning this season.  It's been on my mind.  What is the most favorite condiment you like to can for gifting?   Not sure it'll happen, but thinking about it.

Did I mention our handy-man quit on us?  He won't even come tend the hens anymore either.  We even have unfinished work from him, and have no idea what's going on.   I have chicken people to contact, but we may be doing everything else, from here on out, ourselves now.  It means it could take longer with my husband working so many hours.

I have a lot of unfinished crochet/knit projects right now.  I'm considering frogging them all and storing the yarn for now.    I do need to finish a few, but some were for craft shows, and that is just now on the homefront right now.  Maybe not even for a few years.  Anyway...those unfinished projects are in the boxes I need to move.

A chaotic home is a chaotic mind (for me anyway), so my focus is to really tidy up/purge etc so we can wake up to a happy home (happy mind).

Listening to . . .

The birds outside.

How I am feeling . . .

Somewhat better, but my throat is still scratchy dry.  The stress of my husband's work hours can really weigh a person down.  Garden work is full swing this week.  The rain brought weeds.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure just yet.

On the lunch plate . . .


On the dinner plate . . .

Not sure yet.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV this week . . .

Nothing special.

On the menu . . .

-possibly chicken sandwiches
-turkey roast, veggies

Looking around the house . . .

The living room is a hot mess.  There is so much that needs to go upstairs yet, but I've put it off until the gym flooring is installed.  I'm thinking I'll move it up there anyway.  It could be a while for flooring.

To-do list . . .

An all week list, in no particular order:
-check garden/till/tie tomatoes, weather permitting
-wash down west wall kitchen cupboards
-wipe kitchen windowsills
-clean East window blind
-sweep/mop floors (still haven't found a vacuum I like)
-pay bills
-order propane
-tidy up computer/desk area
-grocery shop
-purge remaining craft supplies/move the rest upstairs

One Extreme Clean Pick for the Week:  Clean inside cupboards under kitchen sink.  This job may flow into next week, depending on how much time I need to spend in the garden(s).

From the camera . . .

Devotional, verse, thoughts . . .

Prayers for those who lost their homes/were hurt due to the recent tornadoes.


  1. Glad your family & friends are safe. Sorry about your handy-man. Have a great week and try to get some rest in there.

  2. Hugs, I'm sorry things have been so stressful. I hope it all evens out soon!


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