Sunday, June 11, 2023

Purge Motivation ~ Camping Tip I Learned

 A few of you have mentioned that purging/organizing/tossing seems a bit overwhelming.  Well, this is how I do it.

I put the boxes of "stuff" in the smack dab middle of the living room.  It's in plain sight, and that will bother me, so it's tackled and taken care of and more out of the house faster.  More put in their new homes, or re-organized.  I am cleaning as if I was moving, so I handle each item asking myself, "would I take you to a new home," which helps make decisions on keeping or donating much easier.

I do have a ton of paperwork, that got taken out of a file cabinet 1 year ago (and 2 months to be precise).  The boxes were shoved into the office when the kitchen was boxed up to repair the flooring.

I found my hand crank coffee grinder, and my apple peeler/corer.  I honestly never had a chance to use the peeler.  How many of you have a peeler/corer combo and use it? 

Decisions are to be made here.  That fan was left upstairs by one of the kids, and it's on it's last leg, but I think we used it for one of the rooms we repaired and renovated.  It may be getting scrapped.

I hope that helps motivate you, if you need motivation.  We were just so overdue to purge/extreme clean/re-organize. 

Camping Tip (with a camper with water/grey water tank):  Wash your dishes with dawn powerwash (any environmentally safe dish soap) only, then over a dish tub run water over dishes to rinse, then dump the rinse water outside (or some campgrounds have a grey water dump near by).  This helps you keep your grey water tank from filling too fast while camping.  It is easier to get fresh water, than to dump your grey water tank.

When we had our pop up camper, it had a water tank, but for some reason we never used it.  We would heat water on the campfire, and fill two dish tubs to wash and rinse our dishes.

We are on day 21 of no rain, but that may change later today.  Crossing fingers, saying a prayer, and sending out that good mojo.


  1. Oh, I am hoping you get rain very soon. It must be dry as a tinder box there. Yes, it feels so good to purge your surroundings, doesn't it?

  2. I like your purging idea. I need to do some of that as well. I have done the tip that you suggested with camping, but I am sure glad that Dawn came out with the powerwash as it makes washing dishes at camp easier.

    We finally are getting rain here at the hobby farm and I am so thankful for that.

  3. Latane, Yes, it really feels good to go through stuff. Honestly, we would not be, had we not boxed up rooms to clear them to repair floors and such. I'm so glad I'm doing it. The kids have apts. so I tend to donate rather than ask them. They have very little room, and tend to need food more than "stuff." Yes, I do hope for rain. Although I had planned to put laundry out, I would rather have rain today.

  4. I am a about to embark on the purging of our house. Thanks for the tips. My plan is to completely do one room at a time. I need to see success to keep going! That's a long time without rain. I hope you get some soon... but be careful what you wish for. We prayed for rain and it came eight days ago and it has rained every single day since!

  5. Carol, we finally got rain last night. Woohoo to that! Glad that tip helped. I can sometimes be so busy with other jobs around here I forget to get back to a room to purge.

  6. Debi, we are to get rain for about 4 days this week, but things are so dry, we can use it, and the well could use the refill too. Glad my tip helped you out.


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