Monday, June 12, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Once again my Sunday was my "Monday" so the list on the to-do's around here are short.  One day off for my husband is not enough.  He is so tired on his day off, he doesn't have the energy to tackle anything around here.  I get it, so I don't complain.

In lieu of possibly strong winds with rain yesterday, I was out early to till where needed, and tie up any tomato plants.  Just for kicks, and because I bought them, I planted Glady bulbs and a few others.  I had not planted them due to the drought we were having. I also dropped some tall zinnia seeds, white daisy seed, and a mixed pink daisy seed.  If they come up they come up, if not, we tried.

We still need to install our second mole chasing windmill.  The rain should help get that job done, as we need to bury a grounding rod for it.  The rain will soften the ground for us.

I did a quick inventory on my canned goods, and made notes on what needs canned in the way of condiments this garden season.

My full blown allergies turned quick on me, so most work was tidied up quick for some afternoon rest.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will link up when she posts today.

The weather . . .

Rain!  We got rain yesterday later in the evening!  We cooled down the high 60's today, but will be in the 70's with several days of possible rain.

As I look outside my window . . .

Everything is wet out there.  The birds are singing.  It's slightly windy, and very cloudy.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing a pot of coffee, getting ready to eat breakfast (maybe), then maybe do dishes.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I need a cleaning supply caddy.  I hand carry supplies from bathroom to bathroom, and room to room.  I looked at reviews online, but will go check in stores when I am out and about.  I need one to carry wipes, gloves, brushes, box of borax, spray bottle of homemade cleaner and whatnot.

Listening to . . .

80's rock, or nothing today

How I am feeling . . .

Sinus pressure is the worst.  I will be doing more rest and self care this week than any extra work for sure.  I slept in today, and felt I needed it too.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Egg/bacon/cheese sandwiches if I get hungry, coffee, herbal teas later.

On the lunch plate . . .

Maybe soup.

On the dinner plate . . .

Have no idea.  Depends on my energy level.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV this week . . .

Mick on Netflix

On the menu . . .

-Leftover chicken fajitas
-have no idea yet

Looking around the house . . .

I've moved my paper shredder to my living room.  I can sit on the floor and shred up what needs to be taken care of (that was boxed and moved for floor repairs).  

To-do list . . .

-water porch pots
-clean roosts, muck coop, later this week
-till when I can this week, weed squash
-I'm calling this my "possibility" list due to lack of energy

From the camera . . .

Devotional, verse, thoughts . . .

Could you all pray I get over this, whatever it is? Please send good mojo, prayers and good thoughts.  I plan to do some essential oil inhalations today, and hope it will clear my sinuses a bit.  I have mullein and ginger tea, lemons, and 4 thieves, but out of organic oil of oregano gel caps (those  have been ordered).


  1. Glad you finally got rain, read your decluttering post too and I thought it was agreat idea to put it in the middle of the place. Have a great week

  2. Luludou, it's the only way I can stay focused on at least one section to declutter. I have so much other work around here, I often let it go a day or two by forgetting. Thanks. Have a nice week too.

  3. I admire anyone who plants things. Guess that is not in my DNA. Hope your flowers come up so we can see all the beautiful things you post.

  4. What a gorgeous rose! I feel your suffering, these allergies are the worst!

  5. Latane, some years I wish I didn't like to plant things, ha ha!

  6. Joanna, thank you. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Your roses are so pretty. They are the one flower that I never seem to have any luck with at all. I think I made my own cleaning caddy with a thing from the Dollar Tree. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

  8. Your flowers are gorgous! And 80s rock is the best! I'm glad you had a great day! Hope your week is amazing as well!

  9. Jean, I thought about venturing out to the Dollar Tree soon. It would be nice to have all my supplies in a carry container.


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