Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Weather ~ Asparagus ~ Organizing Tip for Tall Boots


I took another look at the weather yesterday.  Not liking this dip.  We had to re-till the garden, so that has been started, but the planting will wait until this chill passes.

The roots we planted this year are coming up.  Just had to share how cute they look.

We are still harvesting asparagus from the very first year we planted.  Some are huge!

Tip:  I'm not sure you can say this is an organizing tip, but it worked great for me.  I have a few pairs of casual boots that are not stored in a box.  They were falling sideways.  For a cheap fix, buy a pool noodle and cut it to fit.  Slide that puppy right inside your boots.  Wa-la!  You are welcome.  

The truck went to the the transmission guy.  Sigh.  It will cost us a pretty penny to have it rebuilt.  It almost left me stranded last week.  We both knew it was going to be bad news.  Like $4200.00 bad news.

On top of that the dental insurance we have is not that great.  I went in for a cleaning, only to find out I had chipped a tooth, which required a crown.  I went back to get the permanent, and they have to send it back again for a better fit.  

Double sign.  It's a 35 minute drive to get there, so I was a bit frustrated.  Anyway, I talked to them and after insurance with a filling, our out of pocket will be a grand slam of $1575.00.  I cannot believe the cost of a crown, let alone a filling.   How are people supposed to take care of their teeth at these rates?  Crazy.  No wonder some people just have the tooth pulled.

So, with that bad news, there are projects on the house that may have to wait until next year.  Good grief.

Update on the new chicks - two have figured out how to use the ramp that goes up into the coop.  They are learning and figuring things out now.


  1. Congrats on the new chicks! Do the other hens leave them alone or do they bother them? Thanks!

  2. Thanks Melly, they are getting along most of the time. Once in a while I'll see one of my hens peck one, but they are all doing well.


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