Thursday, May 18, 2023

Meal Plan Fail ~ Purged more Craft Supplies ~ First Herbs to go in the Dehydrator

We woke up to a brisk 36°F outside this morning.  I'm so glad I brought in my hanging potted flowers, and all of the veggie plants.  I was worried about getting things planted late, but this year I am glad we are behind.  I even brought in my potted comfrey plant.  Brr.

I failed to write down my meal plan, and discovered I had a pound of ground beef, and a pound of sausage thawing at the same time.  I cooked both up, put some sausage in the fridge for dinner, and split up the rest to freeze for the up coming week.  I guess you could can I made a plan from a failed plan ha ha!

I made us some air fryer stuffed mushrooms for the first time.  These had some sausage in them. They were delicious, but now my husband wants me to try other recipes, ha ha!

No gardening these past few days.  It's been too cold, and my husband was called off to help a family member, so no more tilling either.  I dumped all the grow bags, and every single one had holes in them.  The plan is to replace them with raised beds.

When the kids were in elementary school, I signed up for several holiday classroom parties.  I loved volunteering for the Christmas parties, and I would make a homemade ornament for every kid in the class, and even wrap every one.  I had a lot of ribbon in my craft stash, and some of those rolls had 100 yards on them ha ha!  I have saved any ribbon I use for crocheted baby booties, and have boxed up the rest to donate.  I have 4 boxes ready to deliver, but may need to go through a few more items.  They are going to a center for women.  

I also created handmade ornaments every single Christmas to gift my family.  I did this for years, and loved creating a new one every year.  They probably had enough for several trees, ha ha!  I just stopped making them after a while, but this was the latest purge.  Feels good to unload some things for once.

I harvested my oregano before the frost arrived.  It is thriving this year.

I also harvested some chive flowers.  I plan to make chive flower infused oil.  Chive oil is tasty for frying potatoes, and for any dips.  Did you know you can eat the flowers?  I just read that.  I have not tried them, but have any of you?  Interesting for sure.


  1. So interesting! This is my first year for grow bags. Do you set them down in the soil? I am not quite sure where to set them down or to expose the bags to sunlight? I love the chive flowers! I may need to try planting some this year. So beautiful and yummy! Your herb garden is so handy and helpful! I currently only have lemon balm, love the smell! I planted seeds for dill, and basil, but the rain beat them down and I am not sure any will survive. I have been getting shots in my spine and hip so I am quite a bit slower than before. My family is always pushing me to just sit in a chair but I hurt worse sitting in my chair. I ended up telling one that "I will work in my garden if I have to do it on my belly with one arm." I love gardening! Enjoy being outdoors, it is such a great burst of happy! ~jackiesee~

  2. Jackie, I have friends that simply place their grow bags in their drive way next or near the door, but in sun light. I placed several sheets of cardboard in our actual flower bed, and then placed the grow bags on the cardboard, to avoid weeds around them. I am sorry to hear about your shots. I hope you get some gardening done.


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