Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits ~ Another Rainy Day Clean Up Day

 The rain has not let up.   Thank goodness for rain coats and muck boots.   I did check the asparagus, and oddly I won't need to harvest any for a day or two.

I finished making the last 3 lavender sachets.  While I had the travel iron out, I made up some homemade teabags.  I love that I can find things much easier now.

I decided to start at one end of the kitchen, and clean my way around.  I did just that.  Counters are spic n' span clean, all paint put away, other than the one can I still need.  

Paperwork was taken care of, items put in the mailbox to mail, craft supplies put back, other than the current earrings in progress.  Once they are finished, I will put that away.  

Bread box was sanitized, and cabinet doors wiped down.  Sink was given a good scrubbing too.

I loaded up the truck with donations, and completely emptied a large tote.

Prices are so high, that I decided to keep the empty tote in storage out of the way.  You never know when you may need one, and I do not want to pay today's prices.

Speaking of prices, UPS delivered a larger Amazon order.  I can see where someone cut the tape, re-taped it and put a second label on top.  The box was empty.  The box on the inside of the box was empty, with styrofoam left inside.  I notified Amazon right away, but they say it could be up to May 3rd before I hear from them.

I have some more paper work to take care of, but the kitchen is finally (finally) feeling a lot lest chaotic, cleaner, and tidy.  Daughter E has a pile to look through and I have some craft boxes to go through that are sitting on the floor as well.

I have a pile of paperwork that needs shredded. I guess I will buy a paper shredder, or see if recycling has a shredding day set.  Our shredder quit working.

In the midst of all that cleaning, tidying and purging, I managed to make us a strawberry crunch for us.  I still have strawberries in the freezer.  I added more strawberries to it this time.

My recent "cleaning" and "purging" post have probably been boring.  There isn't much going on until this rain quits.  We have some outdoor projects to start on soon, and we still have one room to remove carpet from.


  1. What do you use to wash down your cabinets? Mine are wood and definitely need a good cleaning!

  2. Katie C. my cabinets are painted, so either a 50/50 spray of vinegar and water, or warm water/dawn soap and a rag.


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