Monday, May 1, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weekend went by fast, and was not what I had intended.  My husband, oddly after a first weekend off work, had us running around all weekend.  I was exhausted by Sunday night, and felt like we didn't get anything done at the house.  

It rained all weekend, and it's still raining.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I will link up when she posts.  I'm starting my day early to get my kitchen back in order.  There are paint cans everywhere, and it's in disarray.

The weather. . .

Rain!  Lots of rain!  Now they say possible snow today.  Yes, I said snow.  Sigh.  I had to bring my rosemary plants back inside.  They will not be planted until after Mother's Day anyway, but snow???  It could be something like a snow/rain sleet mix.

As I look outside my window . . .

Dark, dreary, and raining.

Right now I am . . .

Drinking hot coffee, trying to wake up to our regular schedule around here.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Trying to decide if I want to keep my macramé supplies or donate them.  Prices are high, so I'm on the fence with this decision.  I may keep them for now.

We've been pondering about which type of electric solar fencing to get, and my husband is not taking care of that. 

How I am feeling . . .


On my breakfast plate. . .

Leftover omelet with grits casserole and cheese.

On my lunch plate . . .

Have no idea yet.  Egg salad?

On my dinner plate . . .

Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole, Veggie, Strawberry Crunch

What I am wearing . . .

Right now?  Jammies, robe and slippers until the coffee kicks in.

On my reading pile . . .

I'm still reading Atomic Habits.  I'm not getting a lot of reading time, but I do try to read each day, even if it's a page.

On my TV this week . . .

Movies on Netflix/Amazon Prime

On the menu . . .

Have no idea.  Will try and think about that today.

Looking around the house . . .

It's looking better, but I still need to gather the donation items and get them out of the house.

On the to-do list . . .

-check on asparagus 
-complete kitchen clean up, could take all week
-work on upstairs flooring
-gather all donations and load them into the truck
-finish making lavender sachets (only 2 more to make)
-bake a dessert

My simple pleasure. . .

Popcorn made using our whirly pop stove top popper, using organic coconut oil, and fine salt.  So good for a movie binge/crochet evening.

What I am creating . . .

Lavender Sachets.  You can read my post on how to make these on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot:  HERE

I'm still crocheting this blanket. (old photo)

From the camera . . .

I have nothing today folks.  It's been raining here for days.

Prayers . . .

Prayers for our friend Jim, who had another stroke.


  1. I love popcorn and will be praying.

  2. Looks like you had a pretty busy and exhausting weekend. A rain y day calls for some rest.
    Have a great week

  3. Luludou, I have not rested ha ha! I am trying to get inside things in order, because I will soon be up to my eyeballs with garden work.

  4. Oh, we have a whirly pop and haven't used it in a long time. I should see if I can talk my husband into making popcorn tonight. Thanks for the idea! Hope you have a great week.

  5. It's crazy weather here too. Let's both try to rest some this week, lol

  6. Jean, glad I could give you an idea. We love popcorn once in a whilte.

    Joanna, I hope to get some rest time in this week. We are still trying to recover from my husband's recent work schedule.

  7. Prayers for your dear friend. Hope you get time to rest a bit this week.

  8. This comment is a test. I'm having trouble with my blog right now.


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