Friday, May 26, 2023

Garden ~ Herb Garden

I've gotten, what I can, planted in the garden.  Not sure we'll get the raised beds built in time for the rest I wanted to plant.  My husband is working 16 hour days with little time in between to rest/sleep between shifts.  I need last few rows tilled, and can plant the last of what is actually getting planted in the larger garden.

I'm sort of worried about what has been planted in the way of a plant start right now.  Today we woke up to a chill factor of 42° (feels like), with an actual temperature of 44°F.  It's been pretty cool for nights in May this year.

I've finally added some dill seeds to the herb garden. Again worried I planted too early with the temps here lately. 

Speaking of herbs, I need to mix up a batch of "fire it up" mixture again.  The recipe is on my blog post HERE.

I'm getting more handiwork time in my evening, and not by choice.  Last night, however, I was so tired I did not want to work on the blanket.  I tried.  I really did, but out went the light.  I am banned to the living room right after dinner, so my husband can sleep.  Working 16 hours is too much for the both of us.

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