Thursday, April 13, 2023

How Big? ~ Great Weather and Fresh Air


Back in the darkest corner of the depths of our walk-in closet, I found several bottles of Homemade Kahlua.  They were dated 2016!  Not sure what happened that holiday season, but they were long forgotten and unseen.  Until now.  According to my blog, I gifted it that year so maybe I had extra I just completely forgot about?

(hard to see in this photo, but glue is darker on some of them)
I also found several glass jars I had recycled and added a handmade label (intended for Christmas gifting).  Over the years, the glue sort of looks strange on them.  One survived looking great.  I'm guessing I used different glue on them.  You can read how I made these on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot.  You can get the homemade granola recipe:  HERE.

The closet was part of the addition from the last people who lived here. It was built at the grand size of 8 feet by 16 feet (no one needs a closet this big!)  They were odd about shelving placement, so we put in a few portable shelving units, and had to install a rod for hanging clothes.  By the way, this old farmhouse has zero linen/towel/coat closets.  You can imagine how much was stored in this one single addition closet.

The last family who lived here, had a father who owned a cabinetry and cement business, that eventually went belly up while we lived here.  

Anywho, those Kahlua bottles were dumped, soaked and cleaned.  Sigh.  Like I said, I am so glad we are having to do this, as it gets me even more organized.

Thankfully, I finished the closet. I only have to pull out some empty shelving units prior to the carpet removal.  Meanwhile, the grass is getting cut while we have this 86°F day.  

Windows are open to get some fresh air circulating with all the dusting going on.  I'm taking advantage of the sun and warmer temperature while we are getting it.  It won't last past the weekend. 


  1. I've come across some forgotten finds this winter as well. Fun, aren't they?

    The Kahlua wasn't good anymore? I'd assume the commercial stuff would last forever, but I have no idea about homemade. I know my tinctures last forever.

    I'm amazed at the size of your closet! Sounds like lots of storage space in there.

  2. Leigh, my research said it was only good for up to 4 years. I didn't want to take a chance, so I dumped it all, but saved the bottles. Yeah, people don't believe the size of the closet. Crazy! But...we don't have an attic nor basement for storage. We could make one access into storage, but it would get pretty warm in the summer months.

  3. I'm always amazed at the things I find that I have forgotten about when I clean a closet! Isn't it great to finally be able to open windows and air out the house?

  4. Debi, it really makes me pay attention to what I'm putting back in the closet lol.


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