Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Although it is super foggy this morning, the sun is trying to shine.  Yesterday was a very dreary, dark and misty day.

I managed to accomplish a breakfast.  I'm still painting trim, so I get to multi-tasking and list writing.  I scrambled a dozen eggs, made sausage patties, and Einkorn waffles.  I used a random recipe online, but want to try the recipe Jovial has next time. I just didn't have yogurt on hand.

I boiled a half dozen eggs for egg salad.  I guess that will be tonight's dinner (egg salad), while I work on the menu plan.  I also put another dozen eggs in the fridge for future boiled eggs.

Daughter K's waffle iron, which I didn't like, and the recipe wasn't that great.  The recipe also said 1/3 cup of batter, and it was not enough.  I have to double the recipe.  I am reading reviews to look for a waffle maker for myself now. 

Our state has a law, that says you must purchase a minimum of 6 chicks.  It was created to avoid people buying them as Easter gifts/pets.  Dumb law, and if you look at the coop kits in front of most farm stores, they are not fit for the size to hold 6 chickens.  

Anyway, I picked up 6 new chicks, in hopes that a family member will need a few more.  I just wanted about 3 more.

The best news!?

We got our bed up and got a very good night's sleep.  We are far from being done in that room, but the bed is back up and so are the night stands.  The dresser and other furniture are still in the master bath ha ha!  We need room to paint trim, install the wall trim, work on electrical boxes, and finish installing wall paneling on one wall.  Oh, and we still need to install the closet door since we cut and framed a new one.

We still have carpet to remove out of the walk-in closet, so that will also affect the finale of this room.

More good news?!  Tiger's blood work came back and his kidney's look great.  Daughter said he has more energy now that before his procedure, but she is instructed to only feed him wet cat food from now on.

Speaking of cats, we had a stray come to one of our doors last night begging for food.  It dawned on me that it is kitten season, so I am wondering if it is a stray pregnant female.  No sign of it the cat morning however.

I'm hoping for good weather to wash, and dry a bed blanket and bed skirt on the clothesline today.


  1. That's great news about Tiger! What a blessing. I feared the worst.

    Your bedroom is looking really good. Seeing such nice results helps make the inconvenience worth it.

    Odd law about chicks, but I get it. Are they straight run? Extras don't hurt in that case.

  2. Leigh, they sell pullets or straight run, and this time I bought pullets. We were so happy to hear the results about Tiger too. The bedroom has much more work, and the photo doesn't show the rest of the mess in there. Half the closet is in the bedroom to cut the new closet door, and eventually remove the carpet in there too, but it is looking much better.


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