Monday, March 27, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


Everything is at a stand still today.  I cannot do anything, other than paint the door trim, and I'm even limited to that due to space and the amount of saw horses.  I'm okay with that, as my back is very sore.

Rain is in the forecast today, and we'll see much more of it this week sadly.  It's warmer, but the rain is keeping us out of the garden to prep it for a new garden season.  The ground is soaked.

The new closet door was cut and framed.  We do need to install the door yet.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.

The weather. . .

46°F/29°F for today, and rain.  Rain about every other day this week.

As I look outside my window. . .

Dreary and cloudy.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing coffee, because I forgot to pre-set it last night.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Going to town for one errand or adding it to a list.  Hm.

On my bedside table . . .

Nothing!  It's still in the master bathroom, while we continue to paint and renovate the master bedroom.  It has been a whirlwind of work, because we continue to run into issues with the terrible work the past builders did.

On my TV . . .

Whatever grabs our attention.  We are too tired by evening to even really care.

Listening to . . .


On the lunch plate . . .

Probably a ham and cheese sandwich.  

On the dinner plate . . .

Have no idea.

On the menu . . .

It's on the to-do list. 

On the reading pile . . .

Not sure yet, as the bookshelf has been boxed up for the bedroom re-do.  However, I finished this book on our last road trip.

On my to-do list . . .

-write out a menu plan
-write out lists for errand day
-laundry (still living out of a suitcase)
-sweep and mop master bedroom (where I can)
-paint door trim for master bedroom
-pay a few bills, and open remaining mail
-Spray urine treatment on spots on upstairs flooring (got behind on this job)
-mail in rebates
-move a bookshelf upstairs and worry about painting it next year

Plans for the week . . .

Honestly, I have no plan.  The master bedroom has been so nerve wrecking due to the disorganized decisions.  My husband is all over the board, so I never know what we are doing in there until the next weekend arrives.  Although is sounds like I am complaining, we have gotten some things done, but yesterday I had to empty a lot from the walk-in closet in order to cut and hang a new closet door (current center of the longest wall made no sense and difficult for furniture placement).  Also, we need someone to come help us move an electrical line in the attic, in order to move the closet light switch (access is smaller than normal to get up there).

I'm thankful for. . . 

-ceiling and walls are painted
-most electrical boxes have new covers, still need to install two boxes
-new closet door is cut and framed
-I primed about 4 pieces of door trim so far
-one piece of floor trim has been installed

What I am creating . . .

Old photo, but still working on our own blanket.  I got it out a few days ago and had to frog several rows.  I need to finish the gray color section and start back on the last color section of off white.  I may get time today, as my husband is at work, and the only thing I can do in the bedroom is paint those 4 pieces of trim (there is much more to paint, just limited to space where I paint).

My simple pleasure . . .

Amish cheese curds.

Looking around the house . . .

It's a hot mess!!!  Utility room stuff is in living room (explain that later), 1/2 my bedroom closet is in living room, air mattress is in living room, kitchen is full of stuff we need to donate and is where our suit case is, floor is covered with paint cans, hall has part of the bed, more tools, bookshelf, paint cans,....bedroom now has half the closet.....HOT MESS!  I cannot wait until it's done, but like I said, this room/closet has got to be the most head banging work we've dealt with right now.

From the camera. . .

Nothing exciting here today.  I bought this back when we first started with the kitchen floor repairs.  We are close to filling it in, as we find which goes to what with repairs.  I'm losing one electrical box, but gaining one in a new spot on one wall.  It's been a challenge for sure.  The new circuit directory actually comes with a plastic pocket, so I can start filling it out now, and slip it into the pocket vs. a sticker to the breaker box.

Bible Verse, Prayers . . .

Prayers for Tiger.  His blood work reports are due to come in today (Daughter E's cat).


  1. Oh girl, you got a lot going on for some time! Focus! on the prize as my Dad would say. Easy words to say, big projects to finish. It's is going to be so much better! and prettier too!! Oh poor Tiger, please Lord, we ask, that You Heal this precious baby and lift this family high above their worries. Amen.
    We had cold but mild weather this weekend, so we worked on patio furniture and vegetable/flower beds. Why is it, that we have to spend big money on paint every other year? And cushions? Thehubs has turned my covered back porch into a man cave, he has turned our bedroom patio into a barbecuing storage unit. All I have left is the front porch (small) that he hasn't moved into, yet. That is because I have chairs that he considers "uncomfortable" on that porch. And I have pillows, plants, etc (he calls them pretties) on "my" porch. Retirement...

  2. Sounds like you need a day to chill and relax your back a bit and maybe work on your blanket. Be kind to yourself... you deserve a day of rest once in a while. Have a good week!

  3. Jackie, paint is not cheap either. It's crazy expensive. Tiger is doing much better now. I updated on today's blog post. I do need a day off around here. there is so much going on.

  4. Debi, I do want to finish that blanket before it gets too warm to crochet something that big. I do not like making blankets in hot weather.


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