Thursday, February 23, 2023

Wandering Thoughts

Last weekend was a bit rough.  It's been one year since Mom's passing.  Doesn't seem like it's been a year either.  Rough weekend, but glad the kids came to visit.  I'm getting flowers together to take to the cemetery, but still need a base with styrofoam for them.  I forgot to check dollar tree for those, but on the to-do list.  Anywho, missing Mom hit hard.  

Oh boy did we get rain yesterday.   I had to run around the house and check all the drain spout extensions.  Sheesh, talk about squishy, flooded yard.

I, like a dummy, rammed my little toe and I got a very nasty bruise.  I should have taken before and after, because the bruise is almost gone in 3 days using my homemade comfrey salve.  I believe the salve was also made with some plantain in it.  Anyway, the power of medicinal weeds is mind blowing.

Fun Fact:  Did you know a "chipotle" pepper is a ripened (red on the vine) jalapeno, smoked and then dried?  I looked into making my own canned chipotle peppers in adobo, and learned this.  Anyway, we do not own a smoker, nor a charcoal grill.  I'm putting making these on the back burner for now, but definitely on the try it list.

My progress on our blanket.  I absolutely love how I rotated the white between the black and gray yarn.  Love it!  I measured it, and if I am correct, I need about 8-10 more sections of each color to finish it.  Since I started with soft white then gray, I would like to end it the same on the top of it.

Daughter K and her fiancĂ© came and picked up this blanket. 

The only blue pair of baby booties I currently have in my inventory.  They are on their way to a Mom in Hawaii.  Very thankful for the sale.  I still cannot locate more satin ribbon in white, baby blue, pink and peach.  I use white a lot.

Over the weekend, I came downstairs with about 4 skeins of yarn.  My husband laughed and asked, "do we have a store up there?"  Ha ha ha!  I may actually run out of yarn for our blanket.  Knocking on wood that I have enough, because the last trip to Wal-mart they had zero of all three colors, and I bought the last gray one at another Wal-mart at another store.  I'm going to do another check on my stash this week.  I'm just preparing for another blanket if I have to pause our blanket.

The last few years have been a whirlwind, and I missed some comments on my "store" blog.  Mother Em, if you are still reading my blogs, I have gone thru my boxes of inventory and have the items below:

Scarf:  $20.00, Hat:  $10.00
Cross bookmarks in the colors that are in the photo:  $5/each
Wine bottle gift bags in the colors that are in the photo:  $5.00/each.
Shipping depends on where you live and how much I am shipping.  Also, payments can be sent via a check or paypal.

Let me know if you'd still like any of these.  And again, so sorry for missing your inquiry.  Last year alone was a whirlwind with Mom's health.


  1. Good morning from the beautiful but cold Ozarks! Our temperatures have dropped 41 degrees in 24 hours. I understand the grieving for your momma, may God bless your memories with smiles and laughter. There are always days that bring our passed loved ones to the top of our thoughts. The 13th was our daughter Sheri's birthday, the first one since she passed. I couldn't even speak that day. Thank you for the chipotle facts, I only use a couple of cans a year but it makes such a good flavor! Your hands are so talented at crocheting!! And you have a piece going to Hawaii! Wow! You go girl!!! I hope your day is warm, happy and full of smiles and laughter. ~jackiesee~

  2. Jackie, I couldn't believe they were going to Hawaii either? I too, only use a few jars of chipotle peppers, but I know homegrown would taste better. thank you, I hope to get our blanket done before it gets warmer here. Today it's in the 60's.

  3. My mom passed in 2015 but every fall when her death date comes around it hits hard. It has gotten better but still, it's not a good day for me and I expect there will always be a bit of sadness on that day. Loved seeing all of your crafty items... you are so creative!

  4. I agree on the dates that make us a bit sad. Thank you regarding my crocheted items.


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