Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Barbacoa Beef ~ Sausage Gravy Dutch Baby

 I sort of followed a recipe for the crock pot Barbacoa beef that my husband requested.  I didn't brown the meat, but used a technique to help create a tender meat at the end of the cook time.

(How dinner turned out and topped with red onion and cilantro - delicious!)

While the meat was cooking in the crockpot, I made a breakfast, using my smaller cast iron pan - Sausage Gravy Dutch Baby.  I completely forgot to top it with green onion.  I have some in the freezer.  Our outside green onion is not weather ready yet.

I don't think I have ever made one of these before, but it is soooo good!  I would add more scrambled eggs next time on top, and I used my own homemade sausage gravy (vs.  just sprinkling the sausage and drizzling gravy).  Plus, it's only a 1/2 lb. of sausage, so I have the other half already cooked now for pizza this week.  We will freeze half of the beef we made too, and that will be great to have on hand for another meal night.

I think I used every utensil, bowls, pans, and even my food processor and blender, but I got a it all done, and it will last for a few days thankfully.

Funny thing happened.  I watched America's test kitchen while I took a break and crocheted.  I learned some things on frying fish in a pan, and the funniest part was that they gave tips on cooking Mexican dishes.  They also shared a recipe for fresh salsa (not news to me), but funny it was the same day I was cooking a Mexican beef taco dinner.  By the way, they said when you make quesadillas, brush oil on the sides after you fold it over for a more crisp tortilla vs. putting oil in the pan.

We have rain today, and warning of freezing rain.  Lovely.  Not what we needed, and they are saying the wettest day we've had in 2 years.  It's gonna be a muddy mess out there.  My fall planted garlic will love it though.


  1. Good morning from the Ozarks! It is a beautiful rain and 63 degreesF here this morning and they say the cold will come tomorrow. I have to say I have never made a dutch baby before. Looks interesting and I am going to add this to my recipe collection of links. Thank you, again for a new idea! We don't eat breakfast here. I know, we are bad and know better. I just don't get hungry until after lunch. Never have. I know I am weird. Stay dry and maybe get an umbrella and go outside and splash a few puddles??? That's what I am going to do! Have a warm and kind day! ~jackiesee~

  2. Jackie See, it is pouring outside here, and they say all day. It's also in the 30's and the windshields on the truck/car are iced over. I need to go to the post office and I am seeing salt trucks out there now. Sigh...and there are huge puddles out there ha ha!

  3. You get rain and we get snow... last night we had freezing rain, this morning it was warm enough to melt it all away and tonight we are predicted to get 8-12 inches of snow! Mother Nature has lost her mind! We love Mexican food and yours sounds delicious! I made my own flatbread today for lunch with leftover turkey, black beans, corn and enchilada sauce. I was surprised at how easy it was. Cooking each piece of bread individually took the longest time. I hope your rain stops soon... stay safe!

  4. You get rain and we get snow... last night we had freezing rain, this morning it was warm enough to melt it all away and tonight we are predicted to get 8-12 inches of snow! Mother Nature has lost her mind! We love Mexican food and yours sounds delicious! I made my own flatbread today for lunch with leftover turkey, black beans, corn and enchilada sauce. I was surprised at how easy it was. Cooking each piece of bread individually took the longest time. I hope your rain stops soon... stay safe!

  5. It is cloudy and windy here again. We had some rain but not much. It is almost 70 degrees outside though. I just had this beef a few months ago and it was delicious, but not a meal my husband would eat.

  6. Debi, I agree on the length of time it takes to bake that. I haven't made homemade tortillas for that reason, but do love them. Snow? Gosh. We are flooded out after all that rain.

  7. Carol, my husband took some to work to share with a co-worker who is Mexican, and said I did a great job at making it. I will be keeping the recipe for sure.


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