Monday, February 13, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


The hot pepper seeds have arrived, and are now started in seed trays.  I am still waiting on my carrot seeds (back ordered for some reason).  I have limited space to start seeds, hence why I have asked for a greenhouse in the future, but these two are new to the garden.  The Datil are similar to a habanero, but more of a "sweet" taste, according to my research.  Seeds for Datil were sent free too.

Replacement part has been ordered for our stove. I will update on that once we see if that was the issue.  My husband almost burned down the stove Sunday at breakfast.  He forgot and used the burner.  I have removed the knob, so neither of us use that burner until the part arrives.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.
I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .

Warmer that usual, and possibly in the lower 60's mid-week (crazy).

As I look outside my window . . .

It's still pitch dark.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee, deciding on what to bake for breakfast today.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Trying to find a way to sell off my crochet/knit, craft inventory.  I have more than I thought.  I have 16 sets of crocheted pot holder sets alone.  I am just trying to make more room upstairs.

On my bedside table . . .

I cleaned it off!  Just my clock, photos, water and throat lozenges (yeah, still dealing with that).

On  my TV . . .

The Secret: Dare to Dream

Listening to . . .


On the lunch plate . . .

-have no idea yet

On the dinner plate . . .

Four beans and sausage (crock pot meal)

On the menu . . .

-Four beans and sausage, recipe is:  HERE
-Chicken, veggie sheet pan dinner

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing this week.

On the To-Do List. . .

-check paypal, order pet urine solution (will update if it works on the wood floors when it arrives).  They only take paypal, so it has delayed cleaning upstairs floors 
-make a breakfast, do dishes
-clean roosts
-run dishwasher
-work on another box of paperwork left from last room move
-make a phone call (if my voice is up to it)
-pay bills

Plans for this week . . .
Start cleaning up the mess we left in the hallway downstairs.  The shoe/boot pile has a mess of tools, gloves and what not.  It's been driving me nuts.  If successful, I may be painting trim in that hallway.  Plant Swiss Chard indoors.

What I am sewing, knitting, crocheting or creating. . .

I was cleaning clutter, and got distracted by leftover balls of yarn.  There is a pile of it at the base of the stairs to go back up now.  Any, I sat at the computer and whipped up one of these.   I have no idea why, other than I was curious and it was over loaded cuteness!

 I noticed that when I sew in the first black line, then go over to start a second (up and down), you can see the black yarn behind it.  I may work up another and work on hiding more of that, but they turn out super cute just using what ever worsted weight yarn I had (her suggestion of yarn does look better).  I used a smaller hook for the hearts.  The link again for the pattern is:  HERE.

Yes, I got distracted, but it was a nice break.  I got back to work, and then later found more unfinished projects.

I worked a bit on this scarf, while my blanket continued to air dry (see story on that in Saturday's post, ha ha!).  To stay on task, I have a dedicated bin for "unfinished" projects.  I am working on balancing declutter, repairs, renovations etc with crochet time.

My simple pleasure . . .
I'm stumped on this one today.  Maybe I need more coffee to think this morning, ha ha!

I got one now....going to the library for random books.  I have not been to the library since Feb. 2020.

Looking around the house . . .
I had good intentions on clearing another area of the house, but we sort of took a break from stuff on Sunday.

From the camera. . .
I finally looked over my items I brought back home from the museum gift shop.  It's no wonder nothing was selling this year.  They marked up the prices way too high.  Sigh.

Bible Verse, Devotional . . .

Continued prayers for our friend Hope and her family, as she lost her husband.


  1. Hope your stove is a quick and minor fix. I like that you are planning the garden. Have a great week

  2. Luludou, thanks. we are getting a head start this year for sure.

  3. I haven’t been to the library since then either. I need to go. Thanks for the reminder. Have a beautiful day.

  4. We are probably still going to be here for the summer - but we are going to do a container garden. I bought a couple of grow bags - we are going to do some potatoes. Do you have a recipe for the four beans and sausage? Sounds delicious. We try to do a bean meal at least once a week.

  5. R's Rue, I may go next week after I get things cleaned up. Thanks.

  6. Sherry, I linked the recipe in the blog post for you. It is very good! An all in one meal too.
    Here is the link as well,

  7. Super late in visiting this week! Oh, I love going to the library as well. I missed it so much when it was closed during the Pandemic. Hope you get a chance to visit soon. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Jean, thanks for stopping in. Yes, I do miss going to the library.


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