Monday, January 2, 2023

Updates and such....

 Well folks, I have not been on an antibiotic for almost 2 years or longer.  They asked me what I was able to take and could not remember, other than I cannot take the z-pac.  

Now I am having other issues, despite eating the BRAT diet, so a call is getting placed to the doctor this morning.  Not sure what he can do, other than change the antibiotic and take another route.  

I'm just not taking chances for things to go south, like they did with the z-pac (put me in the hospital for 14 days).

I am eating my yogurt and taking a prebiotic, but it's not helping.  My cough is a bit better, but we are also going to seek out a different prescribed cough syrup.

In the meantime, I got plenty of rest last night.  I went to bed at 6pm and didn't get up until 7am this morning. I'm still dealing with fatigue.

I haven't felt like crocheting, reading a book....nothing.

It's foggy here and predicted to reach up into the 60's.  Crazy.

I remembered a family member asked me and one other about crocheting her the below afghan, so I looked into it.  Check out the cost of supplies!  Even though I would not need stitch markers or a hook, that is one expensive blanket to make.  I would want labor, so yeah, I am sure it's not affordable to make.  The cost of supplies plus labor would almost make this a $200.00 blanket.


  1. So sorry that you aren't feeling any better. That looks like a pretty labor intensive blanket... pretty but a lot of work! Take care of yourself, hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. People who don't do needlework have no idea of the time and effort it takes to make someting such as that afghan, not to mention the cost of supplies. I hope you can get the treatment you need. It's no fun being sick.

  3. That is a very expensive blanket but pretty! And that doesn’t even consider the cost of your labor!

    Hope you feel better soon. I find chamomile tea with honey given to us by friends who keep bees helps when I get a cough.

  4. So sorry you're feeling so crummy and wrung out. I hope you get better soon!

  5. Wow, that is one expensive blanket.

    God bless.

  6. Hope you're feeling better; not a good way to start a new year. I have had reactions to K-flex, C-Pak, Erythromycin and Bactrim. Currently use Cipro when anything ails me these days, which are far and few in between, thank God.

    Get better soon. Probably all the hours of working with little rest on the renovations hasn't helped your health.

    Take care dear friend.

  7. Hear that Kristina, I got sick with Bronchitis which I have not had in many years, in early November. It flaired up again after Christmas, I just finished up the Zpack.It's the cough it just keeps going and going. Hope you are soon feeling better, garden time is coming up.

  8. Hey just wondering if you’re feeling any better

  9. Kristina, I hope you are okay. I am praying for your recovery.


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