Monday, January 16, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


First, thank you for all of your well wishes.  I started to feel better, and to be honest, just wanted to sleep to recover.  My husband however, had a different idea.

Last minute, we took off for the long drive to FL.  Again. I guess he feels obligated when it is a good friend who wants to ride motorcycles in warm FL weather.  

The vacation started out rough.  I wasn't completely better, and the fact that one couple brought their babysitter, and two kids (one sick and not treated until they returned home, and also teething the entire trip), made the first part of the so-called vacation a total non-vacation.

My husband pushed me to go, saying they promised us a nice room with king bed (we never get a king bed), and said it was the nicest house ever rented.  When we got there (two days later than the others), they had given our room to one of their kids (who refused to give it to us upon arrival).  We ended up with a queen bed room, with no TV in it.  The bed I could handle, but no TV?  The only living room TV was taken over by the kids and one other person sleeping on the sofa (due to the babysitter and kids taking up bed space).  I literally, just wanted to leave and go back home.

The biggest deal for the trip, was riding our motorcycles across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge to St. Petersburg, FL.  I'm not a fan of heights, so this was an anxiety ride for me.  The rest loved it, but not so much me.  Google this bridge.  I went over the original bridge (before a ship hit it), many years ago on a family vacation (as a kid).

(photo one of our friends took on the ride)

I however, came home with laryngitis.  The FL weather was great, but the dry air in the rented VRBO home was not nice to my throat.  I'm sipping ginger root tea, downing sage tincture, and what not.

I honestly, did not want to go to FL.  I was looking forward to resting and hunkering in for winter, after a long garden year.  I think my husband is on board for this next January (staying home).  He said he had enough of south FL.  The roads were busy, lots of lights to stop at and we literally rode highway rides, vs country roads we do back here at home.  Too busy down there in FL.  As for me, coughing on motorcycle rides was not fun either.

I'm just glad to be back home, but like I said, dealing with throat issues.  I think my husband feels bad he pushed the vacation on me, and it never felt like a vacation.

After a long time away from blogging, I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

Will link when she posts.

The weather . . .

44/26°F, today, but will warm up to the 50's mid week.

As I look outside my window . . .

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee and posting this.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Getting out my planner, getting things back in order, figuring out meals this week, checking all tinctures I currently have, updating any home remedies, and getting some crochet time in (that I greatly miss).

On my bedside table . . .

Leftover remnants of cough and cold remedies.  Will clean that up today.

On my TV tonight . . .

Have no idea yet.

Listening to . . .

The morning news on TV.

On the menu this week . . .

Have no idea yet.  Will relax today and check freezer and pantry.

On my reading pile . . .

My husband bought me this book for Christmas.  I am about 3/4ths of the way in this book. First book to read in 2023, but I am still half way into a book from last year as well.

On my to-do list . . .

*see looking around the house

-unloading the truck, and doing laundry

-find the lost curtain tie back, lost it when we took all the living room curtains down to repair the entire floor.  I am still looking for one last tie back.

Plans for the week . . .

*see looking around the house

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating . . .

One thing I really missed while traveling, was crocheting.  I took a small project, but slept almost the entire drive.

My simple pleasure . . .

Honestly, after a long time with out it, sitting and crocheting.

Lesson learned last week . . .

Put my foot down, when I really feel staying home is best.  Never go on a group vacation if someone is bringing kids along (especially for a motorcycle group).  Stay home, if the "group" is all one family.  

Looking around the house . . .

It's "take back the kitchen" mode again.  Our handy man finished the living room floor while we were gone, and now we can finally start purging and putting everything back where it belongs.  We will finally get the kitchen table cleared off.

From the camera . . .

The pool we never used at the rented VRBO.  The kids that came along pretty much took it over.  Also, that is not a lake out behind the house, it is a canal between houses.

Prayer list . . .

No current requests, other than for myself to get over this throat issue and get our house back in order.


  1. So glad you are back online. ive missed your post. im in Missouri. Its rainy here today but supposed to get up to 64 degrees. Weird winter! i too am trying to enjoy settling in for winter as i have several things i wanted to get done during this time, but so many things keep interrupting. Cant believe its middle of January, and i haven't started any winter tasks. today i get to organize some scrapbooking,but have a daughter coming in from St. Louis to stay a week. Sigh! will love seeing her, but my winter tasks put off another week. Your blog inspires me to get things done as far as home re-dos or renovations. Keep it up!

  2. Sooooo glad you're back! Sounds like your trip was a whole lot less than restful; hopefully you can settle in comfortably at home now, and heal up.

  3. The best place to be when we are sick is home!
    How nice that the LR floor is finished.
    Have a great week

  4. Cindy, it has been a strange winter here as well. I am so glad my blog has inspired you. We have much work to do yet, but it's moving along. We still need to remove all the upstairs carpet. The kids let the dogs, cats and rabbit destroy it pretty much.

  5. chipmunk, it was a terrible vacation for sure. I think I have my husband on board for no more January trips like that again. I have a lot to do here, and really looked forward to hunkering in and getting winter rest before spring arrives.

  6. Luludou, I'm so happy it's done, but now we need lamps and end tables. The only light is on the ceiling fan. I'm not a fan of spending money, so we may build the end tables and search for good deals on lamps.

  7. Jean, I thought I was feeling better, but I think I over did it the other day. Taking today off (mostly).


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