Saturday, January 28, 2023

Cheddar and Chili Egg Casserole ~ Recipes Going Back in Slot

I used some of my homemade skillet bread to make some French toast.  My husband got special bread that is low carb, but I also made sausage patties and this.....

One of our favorite egg casseroles - it's Rachael Ray's Cheddar and Chili Egg Casserole.  I keep cans of organic chili peppers in the pantry for this and other recipes.  We love how the cottage cheese and cheese fluff this up to a light dish.

Does anyone else do this?  Pull a recipe and just put it on top inside the recipe box in a hurry (while baking/cooking)?  
Breaking this bad habit today.  I will be spending some time putting all those recipes back in their proper slot in the box.


  1. I don't always put away the recipe cards right away, and don't always file them in their proper place. Things which I bake often, I have taped inside my cupboard for easy access, no filing necessary.

  2. I agree about the cottage cheese. I have a similar recipe. I especially enjoy the Starbucks Sous Vide Egg Bites wanna-be version

    9 eggs, slightly beaten
    1.5 c. Bisquick
    1.5 c. milk
    1 pt. cottage cheese
    4 c. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
    6 Tbl butter, melted

    Blend ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. Pour into a
    PAM sprayed 9 x 13 inch pan. Bake 45 minutes to 1 hour in 325 degree
    oven. Eat plain or serve with sliced avocado, sour cream and chili

    > A STARBUCKS Sous Vide Egg Bites Wanna Be:
    Fold in crisp bacon crumbles or ham
    use a blend of Gruyère and Monterey Jack cheese rather than cheddar

  3. Faith, good idea. I have a thin piece of cork I glued inside two cupboards to pin conversions, phone numbers, etc in.

  4. M.Meyers, I will definitely be trying this recipe. Thank you!

  5. I constantly put recipes back in the box but not filed. Once every couple of months I file them where they belong. I found a small photo album at the thrift store that perfectly holds the recipe cards for my most often used recipes.


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