Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Moon and other ramblings....,


Not the best photo, as I should have been up at 5am for a better photo.

Half the living room floor remains to be removed.  Sigh.  I though it would go much faster and it's driving me nutso.

We believe the original part of the house was built in the 30's.  Apparently this is what was typical to support the center of the floor in each room.  In the living room it's a random stack of wood.  There may be a rock or two as well.  Just one more of those "what in the heck" moments of doing repairs and remodeling.

I ordered a crochet hook from Amazon, and the carrier lost the package.  It was one I did not have either, and I need to keep my sanity during all of this chaos in the house right now. 

I typically find myself baking, but even with the plastic sheeting up to block dust out of the kitchen, that's not going to happen. 

 I have to be super strict with my husband's diet anyway.  His last doctor appt. was not good.  He admitted to eating donuts at work of all things.  He has since promised not to eat them, and today....

...he's getting homemade hummus and celery sticks.  He is well supplied with healthy snacking.  I know work has been stressful, so I have to stay on task with having healthy snacks and his meals packed now.


  1. Oh I despise home repairs because of the mess, dust, and all of the crazy that comes along with it. LOL!

  2. Carol, I told the handy man to put plastic sheeting up. It's working so far.


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