Thursday, November 10, 2022

Bailey's in my Coffee kind of day . . .


We had another beautiful sunrise, and weather in the 70's.  Crazy that it will get so cold at night this weekend.

I dried a bit more sage, but had to use my large dehydrator.  My smaller one is buried until the living room is done.

Speaking of the living room, day 3 of floor removal went well.  Nails had to be pulled etc. However, (the part where I needed Baileys in my coffee), our handy man's vehicle has bad wheel bearings.  Now,  if we were doing this ourselves we would still be using our own truck to haul the old flooring out.  The guy we hired is a friend.  He asked to borrow my truck the other day to buy mold spray and and a new blade.  I agreed.  It was for supplies we needed.  I get it.

But....but...he hauled flooring out to the burn pile and then just left yesterday.  Literally, he just left without asking permission.  I mean I want the floor done, but I was not expecting him to use my truck daily for all his needs.  He went for lunch and bought pop somewhere (a case of it) using our gas and truck.  

Anyway, I am, not going to be sitting in this house for the next month without use of my truck.  We live in the boonies.  I had a discussion about this with my husband already.  I am not one to go out for errands at the end of the day, considering the drive and now it gets darker faster.  Note....he has a truck and trailer of his own.

Okay, I just thought it was very rude, not to mention, wrong.

Off my soapbox.  Onto another day of chaos. 


  1. I totally agree with you. If you are like us we are planning our trips to save on gas. We coordinate our trips to town with dr. appointments, grocery shopping etc. And I would never just assume that because a friend let me use her vehicle once that I could just take it whenever I wanted. Rude and wrong... yup, I agree.

  2. I'd be tempted to take the truck and be gone! Or "loan" it to somebody else. Seems like he's taking advantage of your friendship. Not good business ethics.

  3. Leigh, my husband told me to hide the keys lol! Yes, not good for business.

  4. Debi, it's also keeping on track with planning meals, as the trips to town are planned on needs and grocery list. It's just crazy these days right now. Yes, it was just wrong to take off with the truck and he's been paid a portion of his work, so he can get his wheel bearings replaced (he does the work himself too).


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