Monday, November 21, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 I have been working up a list, in case I finish the crochet blanket before I can get back upstairs for more yarn.  I am putting off any canning due to the dust in this house (which will end soon I hope).

-tidy closet (a bit difficult, as boxes of stuff from living room are stacked in there right now)
-finish a crocheted scarf I started (have the yarn for that)
-make nail polish bottle ornaments
-start a new scrap lap afghan

Lumber prices have come down a bit thankfully.  However, we have to return to the hardware store for more supplies.  It's just never ending.

Today I will join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

45/24°F, we may possibly hit the mid 50's this week.

As I look outside my window . . .

The wind tapered off.  

Right now I am . . .

Brewing another pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Not sure if the two of us are making anything special for a Thanksgiving meal yet.  The kids will not be around, and well, no other plans.

How I am feeling . . .

Cold.  I cannot wait to fire up the wood stove.  I am losing my patience with this living room job.

Listening to . . .

The radio, rock, some country

On the breakfast plate . . .

Leftover butternut squash breakfast casserole.

What I am wearing . . .

Jammies, robe, slippers

On my reading pile . . .

Most of my books are buried on a shelf in my office, so today I plan to seek out any stray books I may have elsewhere.

On my TV . . .

Mystery Channel

On the menu . . .

-crockpot pork chops, crockpot sweet potatoes
-not sure on the rest just yet

Looking around the house . . .

It's the same ol' mess of everything shoved in all places.  I literally run into stuff, bump into it, or trip on it.  Sigh....

To-Do list . . .

-mail in rebate
-wash dishes
-catch up any laundry
-make chapstick (still on the list, sigh)
-make travel soaps (still on the list)
-write out shopping list
-make homemade hot cocoa mix
-have no's so frustrating with the floor repair going on

From the camera . . .

I have nothing right now.

Devotional . . .

Still buried in the office..,..


  1. Hope you get your house projects completed and things back in order soon. Crockpot sweet potatoes sound good. Hope you have a good week whatever you decide to do!

  2. you have so much on you plate with all the renovations.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Jean, the sweet potatoes were delicious!

    Luludou, Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  4. I am curious about your crochet scarf. Did you crochet this week? And did you make chocolate milk? I wonder how the rest of your week was. Greetings from my house to yours.

  5. Arieth, I did get some crochet time in. I worked on the scarf and a few Christmas ornaments, but did not finish the scarf yet. I will be making the hot cocoa this weekend. Thanks.


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