Sunday, November 20, 2022

Chilly Weekend


I made us a crock pot of chili for the weekend. Brr.  Woke up to snow on the vehicles, but that's about it.  I'll be freezing half of this for a future meal.

We have decided to install a gas heater in the kitchen and living room.  It will be more cost efficient for us, and most likely heat better than our wall (floor) electric heat.  The gas lines are going in before the subfloor goes down.

Speaking of heat, I cannot wait to fire up the wood stove.  Thankfully, the weather will be a bit warmer next week.

I'm down to the last skein to complete Daughter K's blanket.  I should be better prepared myself with yarn, before I was cut off of access to the upstairs.  I guess we both didn't think the living room would take so long.  

Anyway, I guess if I run out of projects with what I have downstairs, I will make a run to a craft store.  I do have some cleaning I can also do in our bedroom closet, but spring/summer is the best time to work on that (due to no heat in there, which we plan to do some renovations to add a vent next year).

I am narrowing down my list of what I can do, get done, and what I can do, to not lose my mind.  I do miss having dogs to take out (believe it or not), I miss taking care of goats.  I guess you start to miss these things when you are literally stuck in one room of the house (minus the kitchen/utility room). 


  1. I am sure you will find plenty to do. I completely understand though as I have been unable to get to several rooms due to this foot surgery.

  2. Oh Carol, I can imagine. When I hurt my ankle, and they put a large boot on me and gave me crutches, I was beside myself. Sheesh. I have steps in my house too, and using the crutches was so frustrating. Too bad we are not neighbors.


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