Monday, November 7, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Over the weekend, we got the chicken coop mucked, and ready for colder weather.  We were lucky to be walking around outside in t-shirts.  Oddly warmer weather for November.

They say we may not have to deal with this time change stuff next year.  Let's hope and pray.  We are not happy with dark skies at 5-6pm. 

Our Christmas tree is now up in the master bath.  I need to dig out my tree topper.  It may be the only tree we get up this year, depending on how long it takes to finish the living room.

Speaking of living room, I told my husband that if our handy man delays our work, I will start ripping up the carpet myself.  He didn't come all weekend, and we want this done ASAP.

Joining up today with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . .  .

60's and sunny, but weather is all over the map this week, and we dip to the 20's over the weekend.

As I look outside my window. . . 


Right now I am . . .

Getting ready to post this.

Thinking and pondering . . . 

I'm thinking of making my own homemade turkey breakfast sausage.  We have to really watch the lean meat and veggies.  My husband was sneaking donuts at work, and his last doctor visit was not good.  He promised me he'd pass on them from now on.

How I am feeling . . . 

Tired, but excited that my husband only has to work these very early hours for 2 more day.

On the breakfast plate . . .

New recipe.  More on that later.

What I am wearing . . .

Jammies.  Sipping coffee.

On the reading pile. . .

Haven't had time to read.  

On the TV . . .

Lonesome Dove.

On the menu. . .

-crockpot meatballs and home canned sauce, quinoa, and steamed broccoli
-Butternut squash soup 
-Chicken Bruschetta Casserole (new recipe to try)

Looking around the house. . .

Daughter T finally came over to pick up an area rug I needed out of the living room.  By the way, she is in school to become an RN.  She is now working a few days a week in the hospital, and trying to get used to working the night shift.

On the to-do list . . .

-make a breakfast casserole
-work on cleaning up hallway where things were put during kitchen/bathroom repairs.
-take down all the living room curtains
-..still working on the to-do list

From the camera. . .

Devotional . . .

Prayers for Daughter E to have a successful hair salon business.  She's had many cancelations and I'm so worried (as all mothers would) that she won't get enough business to continue to be her own boss.  Her rent for the booth is high, and she still has to pay her apartment rent, and as we all know, everything is extremely high in costs right now.


  1. Will keep your daughter in my prayers. It's so tough right now. I hope things pick up for her.

  2. Ha, I'm the happy to see the light in the mornings again. Hope your daughter's business picks up, aren't the holidays usually a pretty busy time for hair stylists? Have a wonderful week.

  3. Jean, not sure about hair at the holidays, but she was lucky to get someone who needed hair done up for a wedding.

  4. Hoping business picks up for your daughter and good luck to your other nurse daughter.
    I would prefer we had no time change too.
    Meatballs in the crockpot, yummy! Homemade breakfast sausages that looks good too.
    Have a great rest of the week

  5. Thank you Luludou, her booth rent to cut hair etc is $600/month, and another $100.00/month for the nail booth. It is so bad these days.

  6. Definitely keeping your daughter in my prayers. Things are extremely difficult for so many right now, but we do serve a wonderful God who will protect us and see us through these moments.

    I am with you on the carpet. I am itching to rip mine but my obstacle is called my husband, who wants to keep it. Frustrating.

    I hope you have a blessed week.

  7. Sandra, we had to rip our carpet out due to the fact the floor was sinking by the hearth. Check out my updated photo of half the living room. We are literally to the dirt floor. We are replacing all the joists on one side and half on the other (treated wood this time).


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