Sunday, November 6, 2022

Donation Drop Day


Not the best photos, but I finally got these two scrap yarn lap afghans dropped off.  They went to an assisted living home.  They were very happy to receive them, as many of the folks living there move around in wheelchairs.

The wind was so wicked that we finished up our day and got back home to hunker in.  Power went out in neighboring towns, but we remained with power.

On a good note, we located flooring for not only the living room, but possibly two other rooms, for a much lower price.  We are taking measurements and praying the flooring is still there when we go back to get it.  I'm more excited to get these jobs done after seeing the flooring.

Oh, the wind gave us more firewood for the wood stove.  Luckily, the tree was out by the tree line and not near the house.

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