Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Mom's Cactus and other ramblings


Mom's cactus is blooming again.  It is so, so pretty.

I spent most of the day putting laundry on the clothesline until I ran out of room.  My washing machine needs tuned up.  I kept getting an error in regards to water it was adding (not enough apparently).  Not what my husband wanted to hear, but hopefully he can fix that.

I started the pantry project.  Daughter K had stuff in there that had expired.  I'm gonna be so happy to finally get some order in those cupboards.  

I yanked the last of the hot pepper plants and was surprised at the size of some of them.  It was rather hard to pull them too, as it was pretty dry out there.


  1. How hot are the peppers ? They look pretty spicy but I know it can be hard to tell just by looking. I'm rubbish with spicy food so its a no from me.
    The Christmas cactus is beautiful, I used to have one but I think it died of neglect - oops

  2. I need to empty my upstairs pantry. I've needed to do it for a year now and I just keep putting it off. Why? Because I really, really want to paint it and it all just seems overwhelming! I'm sure there are things in there have expired and need to be tossed. Good luck with your pantry purge... maybe it will inspire me!!

  3. Jill, the peppers were jalapeno, serrano and cayenne. They were still hot, and in good shape despite the late picking.

  4. Debi, I am still working on the pantry, and have found expired foods, but I know I will be so happy when I am done.

  5. BTW, on a cooking show, I saw them quarter the jalapeƱos the long way and then just run the paring knife down the middle to remove the seeds and membranes. I tried it on the last of my jalapeƱos and it speeds things up a lot.

    How are you drying your hot peppers? We are trying this for the first time to make hot pepper flakes. I have bunches tried up with kitchen string hanging to dry.

    -Katie C.

  6. Katie C. thanks for that tip. If I am drying peppers, I use my dehydrator. Before I had one, yes, hang to dry.


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