Monday, October 24, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 If you are wondering why there hasn't been a post lately, it's due to great weather here.  Sunshine, high 70's meant motorcycle rides.  I could not, as hard as I tried, get my husband to work on the to-do list.  

One ride was to our grandson's birthday party.  The other to deliver a foldable lawn chair to our youngest.  She was set up at a pop up show for a new store in town, to represent the salon.  She did not have a chair, so my husband said he'd load up on the back of the bike, and yes he did ha ha!

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

Awesome weather for the first few days this week, high 70's again, and then rain returns mid-week, followed by the temperature dropping again.

As I look outside my window . . .

Leaves are everywhere.  I'm charging the leaf blower as I type to get them off the porches before the rain cements them to the pavement.

Right now I am . . .

Making another pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

We are thinking of visiting a town one hour away, to check out a store that carries discounted items.  I heard they carry flooring and items we may be able to get for the living room at a discounted price.

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  We both didn't sleep well last night for some reason.  We both are not ready to tackle a Monday.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Leftover omelet my husband made us on Sunday morning.

What I am wearing . . .

T-shirt and garden work pants.  Tackling that job first today (after I get the laundry going and the dishwasher running)

On my reading pile . . . 

On my TV . . .

We watched The Watcher, and were disappointed at the ending of it.  Now it's whatever is on TV, if it's even on.

On the menu . . .
-on cooler days, a new butternut/kale soup
-salsa verde chicken tortilla casserole

Looking around the house . . .

It's a hot mess. It'll be that way until the living room project is done.

To do list . . .

-label more jars and put away
-wash bed quilt (great weather for outdoor drying)
-re-organize pantry and take inventory
-clean kitchen
-run dishwasher
-wash yesterday's breakfast dishes (gulp)
-make a breakfast for the next few days
-yank the last of the hot pepper plants
-blow leaves off porches and driveway

...for the next two weeks
-empty pantry, check dates and re-organize
-empty boxes from living room
-muck coop
-put a new garage seal on
-tidy up computer area
-write list for paint needed for living room and other supplies
-take a table apart and move upstairs
-get more totes for yarn upstairs
-make travel soaps
-make chapstick

From the camera . . .

Sunday morning sunrise.  It was not as pink as usual, but pretty.

Devotional . . . 

Still can't find my devotional, but found a book with 365 days of "Brighteners."

"A good friend will sharpen your character, draw your soul into the light, and challenge your heart to love in a greater way."


  1. we watched The Watcher but I don't remember the ending which in itself tells me it wasn't a very good one !

  2. Jill, we were intrigued that it was based on a true story, but to get to the end and find out they never caught the "watcher" was a disappointment.

  3. Wasn't it a beautiful weekend? Ours was a bit windy but we still enjoyed the beautiful fall colors. Have a great week! ~jackie see~

  4. It's always good to take a little break and relax after you have been working long and hard. Glad you got a motorcycle ride in. Have a great week!

  5. I am so glad you are enjoying the beautiful weather 🥰
    I can totally picture the levees being cemented in the pavement..tee hee..that was such a great image.....
    Hope you find the flooring you want, that is always exciting.
    Beautiful picture of the sunrise, stunning!!!
    Have a glorious evening :)
    Julieann 🤍

  6. Jackie See, yes, we had a bit of wind here too, but so beautiful out.

  7. Thank you Julieann, I got the leaves all off, but by evening they were back ha ha!

  8. Beautiful sunrise photo! I keep hearing about The Watcher but I don't know what it's about even, guess I should check into it. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!

  9. I am actually watching The Watcher at the moment, because I knew about the true story already and kind of want to see if the show does it justice. I know the ending is bad, but it's true through, to this day they have no clue who the watcher was or is. Quite scary isn't it?

    Hope you have a fantastic week.

  10. Yep leaves do get cemented to the porch!
    Glady you got to enjoy more motorcycle with the beautiful Fall weather we are all having.
    So much on your to-do list! wowzer

    Have a great rest of the week

  11. Sandra, that was a very scary movie for sure.

  12. Luludou, yeah, with colder weather moving back in, the to-do list is long.


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