Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits

The weekend went way too fast, and Monday snuck up on us fast.  Rain moved in, so I have been inside working on the to-do list.  

Sunday we purposely got porch therapy.  I was thrilled to get crochet time to work in this scarf.  I love this new stitch.

We have had hot weather, and foggy mornings.  We are back to the 90's again today.  Crazy, but good for the loofah plant, and the peppers I left in the garden.

We are hoping our smaller AC unit lasts until this heat ends.  It's on the fritz.  It sounds like it will just fizzle out any day.  The lawn mower is also on the fritz.  We already bought a new battery for it, but now it needs two more new parts to get it running.  We are also hoping it lasts until mowing season ends, and without more expenses.

Boxes for donations are piling up, so I must get them delivered soon.  It's crazy how much stuff you own, until you have to box it all up and move it for a while.  At least I can work on that while I wait for the rain to end and get back to clearing the garden.

While a lot is getting out of the house, this little cutie snuck in.  Daughter E gave it to me.  I collect keychains, but have deterred from doing it for a long time, as I have no idea what to do with the collection just yet.  There is a museum in our state that has a large pencil sharpener collection.  I would love to donate them all if I could find a place to display them like that.

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