Monday, September 19, 2022

Loofah Update and other chit chat


I took this updated photo on 9-15-2022.  It's definitely not very big yet, but with the heat this next week, I hope to see it grow more.

I'm now working on rotating out food in the freezer, and putting more back in.  The threat of a railroad strike prompted me to pay more attention.  I know I need to stock up on homemade cream soups, so that is currently on the list.

Daughter E came over and I of course fed her.  Both my husband and I could tell she was hurting for cash (she will never admit it to us, and has never ever asked for a dime from us).  She has to buy all her supplies to become a hair stylist who rents her own booth now.  She picked up several boxes and I gave her some clothes she might like for her job (that I needed to purge as well).  We also slipped some cash in her bag (he he).  We really want to see her succeed, with her being her own boss.

She inspired me to create a new business card for my crafts, and I did. My old ones were from the Farmer's market days, and we no longer sell jam/jelly, or goat's milk soap, so I really needed to get new ones.  Plus, I have very few left anyway.

On a good note, my crocheted hair clips will be sold at her station in the salon next month.  I'm busy, busy, busy.....trying to squeeze in whatever time I can get to get more made. 

It's the end of garden season, but I'm leaving in the bell and hot peppers to get more out of them.  Our bell peppers provided enough for daily needs, but not enough to freeze sadly.  Not sure, other than the location I planted them in the garden.  I made note, and will plant with better light (we have a tree that blocks part of it).

Unlike many other people, we are starting the living room repairs in the midst of life's to-do's.  It's crazy busy, and expensive, so I'm doing my best to eliminate trips to town. Supplies are high in cost, and it's a need to do before winter job.  We also have zero family to help with the work, and of course my husband has to work.

When I do go to town, I make a plan and take lists, checking them twice.  I'm still able to put laundry on the line to keep the electric bill down, and I clip coupons, and download digital coupons.  I regret on planting large onions or potatoes.  Every time we buy them, we find a rotten one in one or two days after buying them. 

I do need to get other homemade items made, so there is a special list for that on days I am able to.  One being garlic powder.


  1. You always have so much going on! hoping the repairs get done soon and I know you are busy with the garden at the end of the season .

  2. Luludou, us too. Can't wait to be done with it all, but some things will have to wait until spring.


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