Friday, July 22, 2022

This and That

The blueberries are all done for the year.  I canned a small batch of blueberry cinnamon jam, and froze the rest.  I picked more green beans, tied up more tomatoes, and had a mound of dishes.  I mucked the chicken coop, and boy was it a hot day.  I did a check on all of the tomatoes and thankfully, only found one tomato worm.

I came inside and snapped a photo of the flooring going in for the bathroom.  Sigh....look at those seams!!  I sent the photo to my husband how immediately got in touch with the men doing the work. They were putting the seams way too close.  Oh my gosh, by the way, the two men were arguing the entire time.  


It was taken out and fixed.  Sorry for the bad photos, I took them with my phone.

It's hard to get a good photo, due to lighting and time of day as well, but we discovered there is matching trim, so we'll possibly be returning the trim we did buy and buying matching trim.  Hopefully, the bathroom will be done next week.  There are a few more pieces of flooring to install, the rest of the shower needs installed, more work on the walls (we are doing something different), then vanity, mirror, all trim, and toilet needs installed.

Daughter E had an outdoor yoga class, and they had a you-pick flower farm near by.  She drove all the way out to our place to gift me them.  I love flowers!

We finally got rain last night.  I do have to fix one tomato stake, but it may be too wet to walk in the garden this morning. I guess I'll find out.  It will be another scorcher of a day for us.  I do not lack weeding work, so I may be weeding flower beds after this rain.  I have several areas that badly need it.

There is a chance my husband will be stuck working 2nd or even 3rd shift due to work.  I am praying he is off at his normal hours.  We are so over this already.


  1. Yay for rain, we got some yesterday and are getting some right now too. Thank the good Lord above, we desperately needed it.

    I can't believe the floor guys were arguing the whole time hahah

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

  2. Sandra, I went out to work in the tomatoes, and one guy followed me out there and kept talking to me. I'll be so glad when the bathroom is done.


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