Wednesday, July 13, 2022

This and That


It's been nice to watch the sunrise with my husband lately.

I went out to pick green beans and almost stepped on this guy.  Ugh.  The bugs are horrible this year.
The green beans are rolling in, but wax beans have yet to keep up.  I now wish I planted more, but they are coming in anyway.

The bathroom ceiling has been textured and painted.  Now the last piece of drywall goes up, but they are calling for rain.  I guess we'll see what happens today.

I printed yet another free pattern for a crochet project.  It's for kids, so I have something inexpensive they can buy at a future craft show.  If I ever get crochet time, I will post a picture of it.


  1. Oh Wow, you be careful there, girl. bee stings are painful but then I guess you know that... Glad your beans are 'coming in' now. I love green beans that are cooked right. Some of them aren't seasoned. Yuck.

  2. Latane Barton, I love bbq green beans, and I do love them in other recipes too. I wish I had planted more this year, but we were so busy with cleaning Mom's house and my husband had crazy long hours. He's still not done with a crazy schedule. Hopefully next week will be the last week.


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